The last month has been absolutely insane (hence no entries) but quite wonderful. I have been having the time of my life.
1-Sarah's wedding shower. I put a lot of effort into helping plan it, and despite making three quiches and the very last minute and some minor problems, it was a lot of fun. I enjoyed being part of the "adult world" and being able to contribute to Sarah's wedding.
2-Sarah's rehearsal dinner. Despite stressing over my MOH toast, I had fun talking to my extended family. Everyone really enjoyed my toast, and it made me feel good. My favorite part was my cousin Mae seeing my bridesmaid bracelet (similar to her flower girl bracelet) and saying, "are you a flower girl too?" It was so cute!
3-Sarah's wedding was completely awesome. The entire day was great. I loved everything, from getting our hair done to waiting on the peaceful temple grounds to chilling on a bench with Kevin during pictures to getting lunch at Arby's in the car on the way to the reception to the strawberry cream hors d'oeuvres to talking to all our family friends to spending most of the reception dancing with my cousins. IT WAS AWESOME! I think it's a day we're all going to look back on as one the happiest moments in our lives.
4-Starting my 3rd year of college. Despite starting a week late, despite being behind, this year is already awesome. I have three fantastic roommates who always make me laugh and encourage me to be a better person. Our apartment is great, the ward is friendly, and I like my classes already. I am really getting into my major now (Marriage, Family, and Human Development) and I know now more than ever that this is what I want to do.
5-Homecoming! Despite being talked into it my my roommates, I'm really glad I went. Our whole apartment went together with a
huge group of eight. What girl doesn't like to be treated like a princess?
With all these great things happening, who knows what the year will bring?