I get frustrated frequently by what I feel I should be. Countless people around me tell me I shouldn't care what other people think, but if I act like that, I'm really only doing it to please them, and in that case I'm still looking at others to decide what I should do!
So to be me, and have people like it, is a strange experience. It's kind of fun.
I learned in my MFHD 210 Child Development class that teenage boys are more likely to think they're invinicble and teenage girls are more likely to perform to an imaginary audience. So, it makes sense to me that I am concerned about what people will think. I'm trying to not care, but it's a hard feeling to get rid of.
I have a class that I've missed rather often lately, but I decided to go to today, and it was cancelled!!!! Why did it have to be today? Oh well. Now I have extra time, so I can do useful things like write in this blog.
I love my dance class. It makes me feel talented. And girls get to be spun around all the time, and that's my favorite part. I got a 91 on my fox trot test!!!! I was so proud of myself. I certainly am not doing that well in my major classes, so it was nice to do really well for a change.
In the not too distant future I'm going to be competing in Dance Sport with the cha cha! I'll post pictures up here when that happens, because I'm really excited.
Things on my radar right now:
-"Hero/Heroine" Boys Like Girls
-"The Way I am" Ingrid Michaelson
-Anna the Bot: a really weird sweedish music video my roommmates and I like to watch
-blackberry yogurt-sadly, I haven't had it in a while because of my cold :(
-when I walk through the bookstore, I stop and look at the easter candy. They have these Dove truffles in a package, and I've picked it up and looked at it like three times. I might buy it sometime, but that might ruin things.
-I keep looking at where the clock used to be in the living room, even when I'm facing where the clock currently is.
-my favorite anime (of the moment, Tsubasa Chronicle) is no longer on You Tube with english subtitles, only in spanish!!! Is this worth learning spanish for?
-I like Thousand Paper Crane's song "February 14th".