Those of my friends who like to write (like me) know how difficult it is to force yourself to do so. I think that's why I don't blog very often, I think; I only write when something big happens or I get in a writing mood.
Though chilly today, Provo has been absolutely beautiful lately. The leaves are falling, and though there aren't as many deciduous trees out here, BYU does a fantastic job of landscaping campus, so there are lots of bright red and yellow leaves right now. So the trees are beautiful, the sky is gorgeous, and we have the lovely mountains in the background to complete the perfect picture.
What have I been doing lately? Taking midterms, of course! This has been a good semester for me-all good scores! I even got an A on my last midterm, so things are obviously going well.
And yes, I do other things too. Friday night my roommates and I went on a shopping adventure at DI (local thrift store) and the mall. Not only did we get some great items for our Halloween costumes, but I also got some cute things to add to my fall wardrobe! Then we all stayed up late watching a girl movie. It was a lot of fun; I hope we have more adventures in the future! 

I've never been that much of a Fig Newton fan before, but today, they are AWESOME! Why? Well, let's just say the testing center isn't such a bad place after all.
*Title from Fearless by Taylor Swift