Monday, November 17, 2008

Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself, "hey, isn't this easy?"

My friend Jen recently asked me if I had made any observations about life recently. Unfortunately at the time I drew a blank, but having come up with one later, I decided to mention it here. I've noticed recently through conversations with my friends that everyone I know has parents who have mellowed out with age, or perhaps experience. I wonder why? Could it be they no longer have the energy to act the way they used to? Have they learned better ways to be parents? Or perhaps it's something else. My dad says that his temper has mellowed out quite a bit due to my mom's influence. I heard one of my professors say once that after several years in marriage, a couple is a lot more alike than they were at the beginning. Perhaps relationships make us into better people, or perhaps we want to be better for the other person.

I think some people who accept you for who you are encourage you to not change at all, and some people who accept you for who you are encourage you to be better, and to do better. Maybe some people would like the first, but in my expereince it's the second that really brings happiness.
I am a very happy girl.
*title from the song "You belong with me" by Taylor Swift

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Help me Leave Behind some Reasons to be Missed

The election is coming up; I feel terrible, of course, because I didn't realize the dates so I missed the chance to register in Oklahoma and get my absentee ballot.

But the issue I'd like to vote for the most is, unfortunately, in another state. Proposition 8 in California states that Marriage is defined between a man and a woman. It would not take away the rights of same gender couples, but they could not be called "married". My major in school is Marriage, Family, and Human Development, and though some may want you to believe that children turn out just the same if they have a mother and father happily married as divorced, homosexual parents, parents who cohabit, or only one parent, it's not true. I admire those who are in these situations and there are real heroes out there who have done a fanastic job rasing a child by themselves or in one of these other situations, but it takes tremendous work on their part. More than that, I believe that children deserve a mother and father who are committed to each other.

Are we thinking of the children? What opinions and beliefs do we want them to have when they're adults? Of course we should all make our own opinions, but if we do not teach them what we think is right, they will pick it up from their friends, their school, and the media. My parents and I do not agree on all political issues, but I'm glad that they told me what their beliefs were-and are. So please, talk to your children about important issues. And most of all, remember them. How will these laws affect them? Is it about "tolerance"? Or is it about standing up for something you believe is right?

I hope I haven't tremendously offended anyone, and if I have, I apologize. These are just my personal opinions.
*Title from the song "Leave out All the Rest" by Linkin Park