Wow, has it really almost been 7 months since Katie and I last updated our blog? Lamentably, yes. Katie and I have even mentioned several times in the last few months that we should update our blog, but then we just never get around to it. We would always mis-remember who was the last one to update the blog so neither one of us got around to it. So with all the turn-taking aside, I am going to update our blog while Katie is at a ballet showcase with her sister Sarah.
So what eventful events have transpired in the recent 7-month time span? Well, in a bombshell, Katie graduated, I got a job, quit a job, Katie found a job, I started my senior year of school, and then I found another much more enjoyable (and less morally apprehensible) form of employment. Let me expound slightly on these.....
Katie graduated from Brigham Young University in April 2010 with a degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development. I am proud of her. Education is indeed important for this world and the next.
Mid-May, still finding myself jobless, I was offered a position at American Income. To be honest, I don't even recall applying for the job; I think I was getting desperate and was responding to job postings on Craig's List. I was given the position as Insurance Agent. To make a long, grueling, deceptive story shorter, I will give you the conclusion: I was unhappy there. I gave it my all for 3 months but not only was I not succeeding financially (as promised) I was not happy. The company endorsed selling life insurance to EVERYone, including people without jobs, poor college students, and even seniors who already have several life insurance policies in place! Short line: they wanted money. This is was only one of many problems so I quit. Money is important but it is not worth the stress and the lack of ethical behavior.
However, I am now working as a Research Assistant in the Career and Counseling Center of Brigham Young University; this is a nice, flexible job that I can feel good about. I am helping a professor develop a reading test for college students, seeing as many are ill-prepared for the heavy reading loads.
Katie is now working with iInstructor. It is an online schooling system. Katie performs all sorts of tasks there in the office on the second floor of the University Mall, including writing curriculum, grading papers, creating tutorials, handling live chats to answer questions, and entering transcripts.
That is basically the most exciting events of our summer/fall. That is not to say that we haven't done other fun things in between....for example, yesterday Katie and I went mini-golfing at Trafalga's because they have $3 Thursdays and today we ordered a $5.99 large pizza from Domino's (delicious).
We have curtains now (with the help of Katie's mom). It makes our humble apartment look pretty classy, I have to say.
We have also entertained ourselves with an exercise DVD we received for free (the best price) in the mail from Special K cereal after we sent in 5 UPC's.
Oh, Katie and I won our Halloween costume contest, thanks to the costumes from Katie's mom. If you can't guess, we were Captain James Hook and Tinkerbell. There were about 3 other little kids dressed as Tinkerbell but Katie was still the cutest.
We are extremely anticipatory of the Christmas season. It will be a blast! See you all next time (which hopefully isn't in 7 months...).