So it has been a long and tiring and partially rejuvenating summer. Quite a bit has happened in the last 4 months as well as quite a bit of nothing.
Starting chronologically, back in April, I (Austin) graduated from BYU with major in Psychology and minors in Philosophy and Business Management. It is hard to believe that I am a college graduate. Now to find something meaningful to do with it :)
(Photo courtesy of Austin - from the botanical garden)
Three days later, with the help of Katie's parents who flew out to Utah and rented a car, we somehow managed to fit all of our earthly possessions into two vehicles from whence we drove all the way down to Oklahoma City. Of course, that excludes all of the things we sold, all the books and boxes we shipped to Oklahoma City and Katy and all the things we gave away or just threw away. The point is that we finally made and fast forward to now and we are all unpacked and settled into our apartment.
We had fun on the drive down to Oklahoma in our Malibu with a malfunctioning (or rather, NOT functioning) air conditioner. We took a leisurely pace because we were in no particular rush.
We stayed in Oklahoma, enjoying some downtime with Katie's parents until we drove up to St. Louis for Sarah's baby shower. That was pretty fun. It is always fun to be with family. I was also finally taken to the botanical garden. It was exciting. It has fish and flowers and botanicals.
We then spent a couple of weeks with my parents in Katy, TX until our apartment here in Waco, TX was available for move-in. What are we doing here in Waco, you ask? We ask ourselves the same question sometimes, especially when the temperature has been over 100 degrees for the last 31 days. But it will be more agreeable in the winter, at least. Well, that is why we bought and installed a ceiling fan. Let me tell you: that ceiling fan was almost more difficult than earning my college degree* (*disclaimer: extensive use of hyperbole). I was scared because the instructions had like 15 different warning labels on it. But I survived and our apartment has yet to become a smoldering pile of ashes. Anyway, I digress.....we are in Waco for law school!
Yes, I will be attending Baylor Law School beginning August 22nd. Well, from the 17th-19th I have Orientation all day long. I am pretty sure it will be something along the following lines: "We are going to work your tails off. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen." Thankfully, I have a supporting wife to see me through it all because otherwise I am not sure I would make it out of the three grueling years alive.
Here in Waco, Katie and I have been watching a bit of television recently. In Utah, we only had basic cable. Here, we receive a free cable package from Time Warner Cable as part of our rent. So we have been watching things such as American Ninja Warrior, Doctor Who, and The Colbert Report. I, of my own voluntary free will, agreed to watch the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice with Katie since both her and my mom agreed that the best Darcy and Elizabeth are in the BBC version. I liked it. Yes, it was long but we broke it up over a week-long period. I am also currently reading Pride and Prejudice. It has been a fun read. I already read Northanger Abby and I thought it was a jovial read.
That's it as far as updates go. Recently, Katie and I made Rice Krispie Treats except that we replaced the Rice Krispies with Golden Grahams and Cinnamon Toast Crunch knock-offs. So I guess it isn't really a Rice Krispie any more but it is delicious. We used marshmallows that had vanilla flavoring: scrumptious.
Katie's recommend It is one of Katie's favorite websites and one of her reasons to for living. It is a site to keep track of the books you have read and want to read. You can review books, see what other people you are following read, etc. It is pretty fun if you have any love of books (and Katie has plenty of love for books; she has read 78 books thus far in 2011).
Austin recommends anime, ceiling fans, and 75-cm exercise balls. Katie got me the exercise ball for our anniversary. I love it! Sometimes I have a lot of energy and just like to bounce on it. It is a shame that I can't balance out the times that I have too much energy and the times that I have no energy....