I just love baseball. They actually have to have endurance; with a 162 games, they have to be good all summer long, not just the handful of games you get in football. Baseball is my favorite sport to watch not necessarily because it is better than other sports, but because I have been watching this team my whole life, and I will probably never support any other athletic team as much as this one.
Plus baseball fans are so much cooler in the stands than in any other sport. And baseball fights are awesome.
...Did that sound strange? If you've ever seen one, you know what I mean. They're so rare because basball is hardly a contact sport, but usually someone gets mad and both teams crowd around home plate and it just makes me laugh. I've never seen anyone get hurt from these fights. You might think they are sissies, but personally I think it's smart that they don't ordinarily try to ruin their careers by sustaining injuries.
Anyway...yeah, that still sounds odd. Oh well.
Does anyone ever ask you what you want to do with your life? What if you don't have an answer? I mean, yes, you've got the general plan of a degree, a husband, a family, a job, retirement, blah blah blah....but what if it doesn't work? I mean, who all has a highly detailed plan for their life? and of those who do, when has life ever followed your set plan? My plan would probably be different than what's currently happening, but that's okay, because who's to say I would like how things would turn out if I followed my original plan?
Today's favorite section is on....favorite thing to do. My favorite thing to do is...........
go shopping!
I love going shopping. Whether it is in the mall at my favorite stores, dollar general, wal-mart, or twilight zone in the bookstore. I think I just like picking up things and taking them home with me. I'm such a crazy shopper though. I love clothes and shoes and books and movies, but I'm also a very hesitant buyer. I like to buy compulsively, but I also will debate for a long time over whether to buy something. If you've ever gone clothes shopping with me, you've probably seen me both hesitate over a 5 dollar shirt and also go right over and buy 80 dollars worth of jeans instantly. And you know if you've ever gone shoe shopping with me that I love shoes but will take 5 years to find a shoe I like after looking among millions of shoes. It's so odd. And yet I still love it.
I also love sale bins. I like to root through the bin to buy something, even if there's nothing I want, I'll check several times to make sure there's nothing I want. I almost feel obligated to buy something simply because there is a sale and so I should take advantage of it.
You know, I used to feel very torn between my friends who didn't care about fashion at all and thought I cared wayyy too much about clothes and shoes and matching, and my friends who always wore make-up and straightened their hair and shopped at express and limited when I dressed in jeans all the time. I used to feel like I didn't fit in anyway.
I still don't fit in. Now I just don't care.