I can't believe it is already October. That means that I'm one month into school, my sister's birthday is coming up (Sarah what do you want????) the leaves are changing (for a whole three days in Provo before they fall to the ground...) and the weather is amazing! I love fall. I hate being cold, but I tend to get physically sick if I'm too hot, so fall weather is perfect for me. I love the flowers in spring, but it's still usually too cold for me to enjoy.
Do you have something you should or shouldn't be doing, and everyone knows it? So they'll say, "Did you do it? Did you do it? DID YOU DO IT?" All the time. It could be taking medication (for the last time I am not a drug addict!!!), going to class, asking a boy out, doing homework, or anything. If it's something important, and you keep saying, "no...no....no...." it's completely guilt-tripping. It's like you have failed the ENTIRE WORLD. And you want to be able to do it for yourself, because it's important to you, but now there's all this pressure, and it's completely ruined. When you finally do it, it's like you were doing it to please them instead of you.
On a positive note, I started taking my medicine again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in a state of fleeting joy. I feel like Colin in the Secret Garden when he says, "I'm going to live forever and ever!" (This may not make much sense unless you've read the book. I highly encourage it.) I say fleeting because soon the happiness will wear off and I'll just be irritated that I have to take it, but for now I'm happy.
There are these gorgeous purple flowers right outside the MOA on campus, just one bunch of them. I've been meaning to take a picture of them for awhile, but today I actually brought my camera to take a picture of them, and SOMEONE HAD FLATTENED THEM!!!! I was so sad!!! I took a picture of them to show people, and I will put in on here once my sister returns my camera cable (or, if I have it, I find it buried in my room).
I put a picture of Winry from Full Metal Alchemist on my phone, because she's blonde so she could look like me, plus she's my favorite female anime character of all time. If I would be anyone, I would be her. She is a very strong person who has gone through a lot, but she still has compassion and kindness for others. It's the kind of person I'd like to be. Plus, she's just awesome**)
What do grades in classes matter? I mean really. Yes, I realize they are important for Graduate school and getting a good job and stuff, but other than that, not really. Does it matter when you went to class? Supposedly you're supposed to learn a lot outside of the classroom, in life, which is just as important. So why isn't there are "life" class at school?
Today's Favorite Section is on....um...art...yes, art. I like art!
My favorite painters are Monet and Van Gogh (though I agree that Michelangelo is freaking amazing) and my favorite sculpters are Michelangelo and Bernini. I have no artistic talent at all, so other's work always impresses me.
Grades are just for bragging rights so some people can feel big while squashing others.
i want a super-cute turquoise lamp for my birthday! and i DO have your cable. want to meet for lunch on friday?
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