Monday, November 06, 2006

Life isn't worth living if I can't be beautiful!!!*

I wrote a lovely long angry and bitter article for this post but decided it will be much better sitting in the darkness of my computer folder than on this post, and I was going to replace it with an article about Crumple-Horned Snorkacks, but it turned out that article about Harry Potter and whats-his-name replaced it in that edition of the Quibbler, so you get this rambling nonsense.

So...yeah. During the summer, I had a long dream about the beginning of my new story, but as I left the first part of it at home on accident and I didn't want my parents going through my files to send it to me, I've been waiting to work on it until Thanksgiving. I really don't even know if I like it anymore. The story seems somewhat fake even to me. I've always liked fantasy novels and stories simply because they weren't real, and they help you forget the real world, but stories that touch you in the real world are great too, because you can't hide forever.

I had a thought today that most people simply aren't that compassionate. I used to think everyone was as a child, but most people tend to have a "get over yourself' kind of attitude that isn't very kind. I'm not saying we should sit around and wait for people to come to us with every little problem, but I think people would be happier if someone was there to say, "You know what? I don't understand what you're going through, but I will still listen and be here for you anyway." Why aren't there more people like that?

As my last post didn't have a favorites section, this one can have two:

The First is movie most seen. This is really dumb but...a longggg time ago in middle school I had never seen any anime movies before, but my friend Ali used to draw Sailor Moon characters in her notebook in class and she'd tell me about it, and I saw the Sailor Moon R (that's the name of the series) movie and I instantly bought it. It was what got me hooked on anime and even though it's really cheesy and stuff, I've probably seen it 30 times, no joke. There was a time when I could quote all of the movie from memory except this one part with a news broadcast. I bet I could still do part of it if I really tried.

The Second is my favorite musical. I love a whole bunch of musicals, but my top three are:

1-Evita (movie though)

My dad and my sister and I used to sing Evita in the car together, our favorite being "Another Suitcase in Another Hall" even though my dad can't sing at all and normally doesn't like it. You know, when I was younger I used to sing christmas carols in the car with my family, but no one really liked it but me. My parents didn't know most of the words and my sister hated singing wth people. If you sang with her she stopped singing so usually we 'd be singing two different songs at the same time.

*The title is actually a quote from "Howl's Moving Castle" and is completely hillarious. The very vain wizard Howl is upset after Sophie ruins all his hair potions when she cleans the house.

1 comment:

Jeniakai said...

Is this the part where green ghouly goo starts appearing?