I haven't written in awhile, because I have been very busy. Finals are this week, and I am determined to do well so all my hard work this semester isn't wasted. Some of my finals have gone well, some...not so much. It's frustrating, because so much rides on that one test. My advanced writing class has gone surprisingly well this semester; even though writing is one of my talents, I am happy and sad to have my last writing class behind me. Papers take so much time and energy to write, and this particular semester has been very stressful because of it. I am glad that I was able to do well though, and give my gpa a nice grade boost.
Recently I read an article about a woman named Betty James. Her husband invented the Slinky, but she was the one who wrote the jingle for it, and she wrapped up the first slinky's on her kitchen table. Seventeen years after it was invented, her husband left her, their six children, and the company (that wasn't doing so hot) to join what she called a religious cult in bolivia. Now while I think he's a major loser for abandoning his family, I think she is so cool! She took over the company and ran it for a long time while raising her family. If that's not inspirational, I don't know what is. I think we can all learn from her example on how to deal with adversity; finals are nothing compared to that.
*Lyrics from Hey Stephen by Taylor Swift
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
It's that time of year...
I love Christmas! I love that we have a whole month of lights and decorations and Christmas songs and service and everything. I wish that people wouldn't complain about how people only help others at Christmas. Yes, we should help people year-round, but this should be a time of gratitude, not of griping. Someone helps at Christmas? How dare they only help once a year! It should be all the time or none at all!!! Think how silly that sounds.
I recently saw (again) The Muppet Christmas Carol. I love that movie! Think of the message there, "wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas." That's because it reminds of Jesus Christ! So Let's try and remember our Savior this season. Some of the people I've met at school have family traditions where they always have some sort of "gift" to the Savior-usually service or something they give to others. I always thought this was a cool idea; something maybe I'd use in my own family someday.
I feel I've suddenly become a huge fan of Kristinen Chenoweth overnight. I mean, I always loved her as Glinda in Wicked (the musical), but I love her in the movie version of The Music Man, and I've listened to her version of the Christmas Waltz about 50 times in the last few days. Her voice is sometimes annoying, but she can sing very well. I also love her song "Taylor the Latte Boy"; look it up on youtube if you haven't seen it, because her facial expressions are hysterical.
According to my adolescent development class, the stage of my life that I'm in right now (emerging adulthood) is wonderful in some ways because you feel like you have so many opportunities, that you can do anything.
I've been told lately I seem very happy. I wonder why? :)
*Title from the Christmas Waltz (I prefer the Kristen Chenoweth version)
I recently saw (again) The Muppet Christmas Carol. I love that movie! Think of the message there, "wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas." That's because it reminds of Jesus Christ! So Let's try and remember our Savior this season. Some of the people I've met at school have family traditions where they always have some sort of "gift" to the Savior-usually service or something they give to others. I always thought this was a cool idea; something maybe I'd use in my own family someday.
I feel I've suddenly become a huge fan of Kristinen Chenoweth overnight. I mean, I always loved her as Glinda in Wicked (the musical), but I love her in the movie version of The Music Man, and I've listened to her version of the Christmas Waltz about 50 times in the last few days. Her voice is sometimes annoying, but she can sing very well. I also love her song "Taylor the Latte Boy"; look it up on youtube if you haven't seen it, because her facial expressions are hysterical.
According to my adolescent development class, the stage of my life that I'm in right now (emerging adulthood) is wonderful in some ways because you feel like you have so many opportunities, that you can do anything.
I've been told lately I seem very happy. I wonder why? :)
*Title from the Christmas Waltz (I prefer the Kristen Chenoweth version)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself, "hey, isn't this easy?"
My friend Jen recently asked me if I had made any observations about life recently. Unfortunately at the time I drew a blank, but having come up with one later, I decided to mention it here. I've noticed recently through conversations with my friends that everyone I know has parents who have mellowed out with age, or perhaps experience. I wonder why? Could it be they no longer have the energy to act the way they used to? Have they learned better ways to be parents? Or perhaps it's something else. My dad says that his temper has mellowed out quite a bit due to my mom's influence. I heard one of my professors say once that after several years in marriage, a couple is a lot more alike than they were at the beginning. Perhaps relationships make us into better people, or perhaps we want to be better for the other person.
I think some people who accept you for who you are encourage you to not change at all, and some people who accept you for who you are encourage you to be better, and to do better. Maybe some people would like the first, but in my expereince it's the second that really brings happiness.
I am a very happy girl.
*title from the song "You belong with me" by Taylor Swift
I think some people who accept you for who you are encourage you to not change at all, and some people who accept you for who you are encourage you to be better, and to do better. Maybe some people would like the first, but in my expereince it's the second that really brings happiness.
I am a very happy girl.
*title from the song "You belong with me" by Taylor Swift
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Help me Leave Behind some Reasons to be Missed
The election is coming up; I feel terrible, of course, because I didn't realize the dates so I missed the chance to register in Oklahoma and get my absentee ballot.
But the issue I'd like to vote for the most is, unfortunately, in another state. Proposition 8 in California states that Marriage is defined between a man and a woman. It would not take away the rights of same gender couples, but they could not be called "married". My major in school is Marriage, Family, and Human Development, and though some may want you to believe that children turn out just the same if they have a mother and father happily married as divorced, homosexual parents, parents who cohabit, or only one parent, it's not true. I admire those who are in these situations and there are real heroes out there who have done a fanastic job rasing a child by themselves or in one of these other situations, but it takes tremendous work on their part. More than that, I believe that children deserve a mother and father who are committed to each other.
Are we thinking of the children? What opinions and beliefs do we want them to have when they're adults? Of course we should all make our own opinions, but if we do not teach them what we think is right, they will pick it up from their friends, their school, and the media. My parents and I do not agree on all political issues, but I'm glad that they told me what their beliefs were-and are. So please, talk to your children about important issues. And most of all, remember them. How will these laws affect them? Is it about "tolerance"? Or is it about standing up for something you believe is right?
I hope I haven't tremendously offended anyone, and if I have, I apologize. These are just my personal opinions.
*Title from the song "Leave out All the Rest" by Linkin Park
But the issue I'd like to vote for the most is, unfortunately, in another state. Proposition 8 in California states that Marriage is defined between a man and a woman. It would not take away the rights of same gender couples, but they could not be called "married". My major in school is Marriage, Family, and Human Development, and though some may want you to believe that children turn out just the same if they have a mother and father happily married as divorced, homosexual parents, parents who cohabit, or only one parent, it's not true. I admire those who are in these situations and there are real heroes out there who have done a fanastic job rasing a child by themselves or in one of these other situations, but it takes tremendous work on their part. More than that, I believe that children deserve a mother and father who are committed to each other.
Are we thinking of the children? What opinions and beliefs do we want them to have when they're adults? Of course we should all make our own opinions, but if we do not teach them what we think is right, they will pick it up from their friends, their school, and the media. My parents and I do not agree on all political issues, but I'm glad that they told me what their beliefs were-and are. So please, talk to your children about important issues. And most of all, remember them. How will these laws affect them? Is it about "tolerance"? Or is it about standing up for something you believe is right?
I hope I haven't tremendously offended anyone, and if I have, I apologize. These are just my personal opinions.
*Title from the song "Leave out All the Rest" by Linkin Park
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
With you I'd dance in a storm in my best dress...
Those of my friends who like to write (like me) know how difficult it is to force yourself to do so. I think that's why I don't blog very often, I think; I only write when something big happens or I get in a writing mood.
Though chilly today, Provo has been absolutely beautiful lately. The leaves are falling, and though there aren't as many deciduous trees out here, BYU does a fantastic job of landscaping campus, so there are lots of bright red and yellow leaves right now. So the trees are beautiful, the sky is gorgeous, and we have the lovely mountains in the background to complete the perfect picture.
What have I been doing lately? Taking midterms, of course! This has been a good semester for me-all good scores! I even got an A on my last midterm, so things are obviously going well.
And yes, I do other things too. Friday night my roommates and I went on a shopping adventure at DI (local thrift store) and the mall. Not only did we get some great items for our Halloween costumes, but I also got some cute things to add to my fall wardrobe! Then we all stayed up late watching a girl movie. It was a lot of fun; I hope we have more adventures in the future! 

I've never been that much of a Fig Newton fan before, but today, they are AWESOME! Why? Well, let's just say the testing center isn't such a bad place after all.
*Title from Fearless by Taylor Swift
Thursday, October 02, 2008
We were both young when I first saw you...
Hey everyone! Happy October! I would like to make an official request to all Missourians-please send me fall photos! I can't believe this is my fourth fall in Provo-I love BYU and the mountains have grown on me-but I still miss the Missouri autumns, with the beautiful changing leaves.
Today in my Forming Marital Relationships class, we talked about how technology changes the relationships we have with people. Far fewer families have dinner together than they used to, and of those that do, how many of those times are there no phones answered, no texting, and no TV on? I think a lot of great conversations happen at the dinner table, and that's one of the things I miss about living at home, is eating dinner and talking with my family. More than once this summer I got out four plates while setting the table-even though if Sarah were there, Kevin would be too and I would need five. It's just one of those habits, I guess.
I feel so fortunate to attend BYU for many reasons, but one thing I love about going to an amazing school is that there are so many opportunities for performances and plays and concerts and comedy shows and art exhibits and pretty much anything you can think of! It's hard to find time-and money-to attend them all, but I try to see as much as I can. In the last month I have done a lot! I have been to an Indian musical performance (Indian as in India), World of Dance (which exhibits many different types of dance at BYU such as ballet, modern, ballroom international folk dance, and others), a Japanese Art exhibit opening reception, and BYU's band/orchestra showcase. I just love it!
I like being happy.
*the title is from Taylor Swift's song Love Story.
Today in my Forming Marital Relationships class, we talked about how technology changes the relationships we have with people. Far fewer families have dinner together than they used to, and of those that do, how many of those times are there no phones answered, no texting, and no TV on? I think a lot of great conversations happen at the dinner table, and that's one of the things I miss about living at home, is eating dinner and talking with my family. More than once this summer I got out four plates while setting the table-even though if Sarah were there, Kevin would be too and I would need five. It's just one of those habits, I guess.
I feel so fortunate to attend BYU for many reasons, but one thing I love about going to an amazing school is that there are so many opportunities for performances and plays and concerts and comedy shows and art exhibits and pretty much anything you can think of! It's hard to find time-and money-to attend them all, but I try to see as much as I can. In the last month I have done a lot! I have been to an Indian musical performance (Indian as in India), World of Dance (which exhibits many different types of dance at BYU such as ballet, modern, ballroom international folk dance, and others), a Japanese Art exhibit opening reception, and BYU's band/orchestra showcase. I just love it!
I like being happy.
*the title is from Taylor Swift's song Love Story.
Friday, September 19, 2008
There's something about ice cream...
I normally don't spend a ton of time in the on-campus computer labs as I have a great laptop at home, but today I am less-than eager to return home (I will explain why in a moment) so I decided to write another blog entry. I don't even plan how often to write in this thing, but it's always twice a month. Am I really so predictable?
This morning I was taking a shower when my roommate was knocking on the door. I couldn't hear her, but I just figured she wanted in there and thought was taking too long. Then when I turned the water off a second later, I could hear this high pitched sound in our apartment-it didn't sound quite like a fire alarm, and it wasn't a tornado alarm (you hear those a lot in oklahoma) but it freaked me out. So I dressed at top speed and went to go find out from Karin what it was. It turned out it was our Carbon Monoxide detector going off, and Karin had opened our front windows and the door and had called our friend David, who worked for matinence. So Karin and I left the apartment, me looking dreadful as I had put on a normal shirt but was still wearing pijama pants, was barefoot, and my hair was soaking wet and was starting to curl since I hadn't brushed it out (and since I ran out the door, I didn't have time to put something in my hair to make it curl properly and it just looked funny). David came to the rescue of course, to check out the apartment, and he said I looked great, which made me feel a little better that he was trying to be nice. We don't think it was a leak since we didn't have any of the symptoms and they thought it was because of the water heaters in the basement, but it still freaked both of us out. So, I'm not too eager to be in my apartment right now even though they said it's okay to go back in. Once you're paranoid about CO2 poisoning, you start getting a headache and feel nauseous just from thinking you could have it.
I'm taking an advanced writing class for the social sciences, and it's kind of intimidating since even though I've taken a lot of classes for my major and am supposed to be sort of close to graduating (3 semesters left!), I feel really unqualified to enter the real world and the work force. Today, though, we talked about interviews, and we had to practice answering interview questions (in applying for a job) in the last few minutes of class. The person who practiced interviewing me said I had really good answers, and this was a single mom who had been interviewed and had even conducted a number of interviews before, so it made me really happy. Now I just have to figure out how to write a resume so people will even call me in for an interview. Right now it's just for an assignment in class, but in about a year I'll be looking for an internship and I need a great one if I want to continue on in my field. It's scary, but it's also really exciting because this is, of course, what I really want to do with my life. I love studying families and marriages, and I want to utilize what I've learned so I can help other people.
One of my weaknesses in life is that I'm not the greatest at prioritizing. When I have too many things I should be doing, it gets really overwhelming and unfortunately, nothing gets done at that point. And I get distracted very easily-but I think I'm doing much better. I just have to stay on top of my reading assignments as well as the other things I have to do. I think as long as you don't procrastinate things too much, you go out and be social now and then, and you recognize that you need to go to bed at 11 if you're getting up at 6:30, well then do it. I think also you can't beat yourself up if you end up doing something on friday that you meant to do on tuesday, well, at least you did it! The point is, I'm trying to do my best with everything and that's what is important.
Saturday I'm going to see a lot of dance performances at BYU, and I am very excited! I love attending a university that has so many cultural events, and so many talented students!
This morning I was taking a shower when my roommate was knocking on the door. I couldn't hear her, but I just figured she wanted in there and thought was taking too long. Then when I turned the water off a second later, I could hear this high pitched sound in our apartment-it didn't sound quite like a fire alarm, and it wasn't a tornado alarm (you hear those a lot in oklahoma) but it freaked me out. So I dressed at top speed and went to go find out from Karin what it was. It turned out it was our Carbon Monoxide detector going off, and Karin had opened our front windows and the door and had called our friend David, who worked for matinence. So Karin and I left the apartment, me looking dreadful as I had put on a normal shirt but was still wearing pijama pants, was barefoot, and my hair was soaking wet and was starting to curl since I hadn't brushed it out (and since I ran out the door, I didn't have time to put something in my hair to make it curl properly and it just looked funny). David came to the rescue of course, to check out the apartment, and he said I looked great, which made me feel a little better that he was trying to be nice. We don't think it was a leak since we didn't have any of the symptoms and they thought it was because of the water heaters in the basement, but it still freaked both of us out. So, I'm not too eager to be in my apartment right now even though they said it's okay to go back in. Once you're paranoid about CO2 poisoning, you start getting a headache and feel nauseous just from thinking you could have it.
I'm taking an advanced writing class for the social sciences, and it's kind of intimidating since even though I've taken a lot of classes for my major and am supposed to be sort of close to graduating (3 semesters left!), I feel really unqualified to enter the real world and the work force. Today, though, we talked about interviews, and we had to practice answering interview questions (in applying for a job) in the last few minutes of class. The person who practiced interviewing me said I had really good answers, and this was a single mom who had been interviewed and had even conducted a number of interviews before, so it made me really happy. Now I just have to figure out how to write a resume so people will even call me in for an interview. Right now it's just for an assignment in class, but in about a year I'll be looking for an internship and I need a great one if I want to continue on in my field. It's scary, but it's also really exciting because this is, of course, what I really want to do with my life. I love studying families and marriages, and I want to utilize what I've learned so I can help other people.
One of my weaknesses in life is that I'm not the greatest at prioritizing. When I have too many things I should be doing, it gets really overwhelming and unfortunately, nothing gets done at that point. And I get distracted very easily-but I think I'm doing much better. I just have to stay on top of my reading assignments as well as the other things I have to do. I think as long as you don't procrastinate things too much, you go out and be social now and then, and you recognize that you need to go to bed at 11 if you're getting up at 6:30, well then do it. I think also you can't beat yourself up if you end up doing something on friday that you meant to do on tuesday, well, at least you did it! The point is, I'm trying to do my best with everything and that's what is important.
Saturday I'm going to see a lot of dance performances at BYU, and I am very excited! I love attending a university that has so many cultural events, and so many talented students!
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Family, Friends, and Life is good!
After typing that title, I am reminded of a post I made about a year ago entitled, "Today, Little brother, life is good." Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of Sarah and Kevin's wedding, and they are still doing wonderful and my life is still awesome!
I apologize for not writing in almost a month, but as I've been very busy I hope you'll all forgive me. Part of it is that I moved from Oklahoma City where I was staying with my family over the summer back to Provo for the start of another school year. So for the last two weeks I have been moving boxes, washing dishes, unpacking, going grocery and textbook shopping, figuring out classes, and the like. I call this my senior year (part one) and I estimate 3 semesters left before I graduate, so I don't have to rush through my internship. My Major is still Marriage, Family, and Human Development, and I still love it.
I am constantly reminded by how much people change around me; in particular, college appears to be the time where everyone is getting married or coming back from missions or doing study abroad programs or leaving on missions. It's all very exciting, but at this moment I'm just glad to be happy for all these people. In one week alone during the month of August I was able to attend two special occasions: a missionary homecoming and a wedding!
One of my good friends just returned from a religious mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in the Chile, Vina del Mar mission. I went to his farewell also, so it was interesting to the difference. He's always been spiritual but he's grown in the two years he's been gone. It was a little strange to visit someone you haven't seen or even talked to in two years, but it was really a good experience. I think he appreciated me coming up to hear him speak in church. I think it's important to support our missionaries because they do so much for us. My family was introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ by missionaries several years ago, and we are so grateful for their wonderful service that has brought our family so much joy, and I know the people of Chile are grateful for his service.
Three days after this, I flew out to Salt Lake more than a week before I could move into my apartment so I could attend my freshman roommate Aubrey's wedding! It was nice visiting my friend Amy for a day beforehand and eating lunch with her, and then we drove to provo!
Aubrey-and her wedding-were so beautiful! Aubrey has always been one of the prettiest people I know, inside and out. Her husband, Russell, also seems like a great guy. Aubrey said that she was marrying her best friend, and I am so happy for them. We saw them at Smith's grocery store last night, and they seemed so happy! I'm glad that their new life together is going well.
As I was homeless for about a week before I could move into my apartment, I stayed with Sarah and Kevin! We had tons of fun eating Sarah's delicious cooking, such as her Nach-o chicken, crepes, and even salmon (which I actually enjoyed)! We also enjoyed watching episodes of Burn Notice, playing cranium, and spending time at the pool. Of course I spent a lot of time finishing up my independant study statistics class, but I still had a great week anyway.
Now I'm just trying to survive the semester, keep up with my reading assignments, and still have fun with my roommates! I hope everyone who is taking a class or is in school right now does well in whatever they're studying. Have a great semester!
I apologize for not writing in almost a month, but as I've been very busy I hope you'll all forgive me. Part of it is that I moved from Oklahoma City where I was staying with my family over the summer back to Provo for the start of another school year. So for the last two weeks I have been moving boxes, washing dishes, unpacking, going grocery and textbook shopping, figuring out classes, and the like. I call this my senior year (part one) and I estimate 3 semesters left before I graduate, so I don't have to rush through my internship. My Major is still Marriage, Family, and Human Development, and I still love it.
I am constantly reminded by how much people change around me; in particular, college appears to be the time where everyone is getting married or coming back from missions or doing study abroad programs or leaving on missions. It's all very exciting, but at this moment I'm just glad to be happy for all these people. In one week alone during the month of August I was able to attend two special occasions: a missionary homecoming and a wedding!
One of my good friends just returned from a religious mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in the Chile, Vina del Mar mission. I went to his farewell also, so it was interesting to the difference. He's always been spiritual but he's grown in the two years he's been gone. It was a little strange to visit someone you haven't seen or even talked to in two years, but it was really a good experience. I think he appreciated me coming up to hear him speak in church. I think it's important to support our missionaries because they do so much for us. My family was introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ by missionaries several years ago, and we are so grateful for their wonderful service that has brought our family so much joy, and I know the people of Chile are grateful for his service.
Three days after this, I flew out to Salt Lake more than a week before I could move into my apartment so I could attend my freshman roommate Aubrey's wedding! It was nice visiting my friend Amy for a day beforehand and eating lunch with her, and then we drove to provo!
Aubrey-and her wedding-were so beautiful! Aubrey has always been one of the prettiest people I know, inside and out. Her husband, Russell, also seems like a great guy. Aubrey said that she was marrying her best friend, and I am so happy for them. We saw them at Smith's grocery store last night, and they seemed so happy! I'm glad that their new life together is going well.
As I was homeless for about a week before I could move into my apartment, I stayed with Sarah and Kevin! We had tons of fun eating Sarah's delicious cooking, such as her Nach-o chicken, crepes, and even salmon (which I actually enjoyed)! We also enjoyed watching episodes of Burn Notice, playing cranium, and spending time at the pool. Of course I spent a lot of time finishing up my independant study statistics class, but I still had a great week anyway.
Now I'm just trying to survive the semester, keep up with my reading assignments, and still have fun with my roommates! I hope everyone who is taking a class or is in school right now does well in whatever they're studying. Have a great semester!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Chocolate Chip Pancakes
The other day I was talking to my dad about how I was really stressed about some things, and he asked what, exactly, and I was in the middle of rattling off this huge list (I'm a worrier) when he asked me how many of those things I actually had any control over. I...I had trouble naming more than one. It put things in perspective. Sure, lots of things can go wrong, but you're just going to give yourself a heart attack if you worry about all the things that could go wrong or if you "what if" everything.
And I've discovered that even though working on important things is great, sometimes you've got to take some breaks or you're going to go insane. Today my dad said to me, "You must be sick of that statistics class, because I'm sick of hearing about it!" When I finished spring term at BYU this year, I made a few summer goals (look it up a few posts ago), and I wanted to report on how they're doing:
-I finished my scrapbook from freshman year! It took a long time, but I'm glad it's finished, mainly so my pictures are actually organized, but it's a lot of work, so I probably won't scrapbook again for awhile. Still, I feel so accomplished for actually finishing something sort of crafty! My skill on it has also improved, as the first few pages are not very good looking compared to the ones later on.
-I was going to try and get my license, but due to goal number three, I simply didn't have the time to do both. I'm hoping my dear brother in law is still willing to teach me how to drive, and maybe I can do it in Utah this year.
-Last year I signed up for an independant study class to have something to do over the summer. Instead, I spent my time helping Sarah with wedding planning and having fun, so now I'm spending large portions of every day trying to finish all my homework assignments and tests and things before the expiration date...which happens to be the end of the first week of fall classes. I'm getting it done or I'll know why, but it takes a lot of mental energy.
On a more positive note, I am loving the Beijing olympics this year! I especially watching Michael Phelps win gold medal after gold medal...he's awesome.
Fall classes don't start at BYU until September 2nd, but my roommate from freshman year, Aubrey, is getting married the 21st, so I'm flying out early so I can attend her reception. It's amazing how we all grow older, isn't it?
And I've discovered that even though working on important things is great, sometimes you've got to take some breaks or you're going to go insane. Today my dad said to me, "You must be sick of that statistics class, because I'm sick of hearing about it!" When I finished spring term at BYU this year, I made a few summer goals (look it up a few posts ago), and I wanted to report on how they're doing:
-I finished my scrapbook from freshman year! It took a long time, but I'm glad it's finished, mainly so my pictures are actually organized, but it's a lot of work, so I probably won't scrapbook again for awhile. Still, I feel so accomplished for actually finishing something sort of crafty! My skill on it has also improved, as the first few pages are not very good looking compared to the ones later on.
-I was going to try and get my license, but due to goal number three, I simply didn't have the time to do both. I'm hoping my dear brother in law is still willing to teach me how to drive, and maybe I can do it in Utah this year.
-Last year I signed up for an independant study class to have something to do over the summer. Instead, I spent my time helping Sarah with wedding planning and having fun, so now I'm spending large portions of every day trying to finish all my homework assignments and tests and things before the expiration date...which happens to be the end of the first week of fall classes. I'm getting it done or I'll know why, but it takes a lot of mental energy.
On a more positive note, I am loving the Beijing olympics this year! I especially watching Michael Phelps win gold medal after gold medal...he's awesome.
Fall classes don't start at BYU until September 2nd, but my roommate from freshman year, Aubrey, is getting married the 21st, so I'm flying out early so I can attend her reception. It's amazing how we all grow older, isn't it?
Monday, August 11, 2008
Happy as a Grizzly Bear
I promise, I don't only take pictures at the zoo, but I just love animals. Despite the fact that other than for church I rarely get up before ten during the summer, I willingly got up at 7 (my alarm actually went off at 6:30 but I took that long to get out of bed) to go to the Oklahoma City zoo! It's not nearly as good as the St.Louis zoo, but as they have two snow leopard cubs on exhibit here, it was something I couldn't pass up! It was a good idea to go early, as by the time we left at 10:30, it was incredibly hot.
We also seemed to have the perfect luck to stumble onto the grizzy bear exhibit at the right time. They do these "frozen treat feedings" that are really cool!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I was a little bit concerned when I decided to stay spring term at BYU this year, because I thought that I wouldn't like going to school for ten months straight, and then only having two months off before starting school again. I do like having less to do in some respects, and I love spending time with my family, but I feel a bit frustrated because I'm not working, and I'm not taking classes so I feel rather useless with my time. Right now I am a teacher in Primary (the children's program at church), and my class is the six-year olds. They're adorable, but they are a lot to handle. I now know one very important quality in parenting: patience! There are multiple ways to manage your kids, but I think it takes patience to do the best thing for them, and not force them to do something because you want it, and not giving in because it is convienent.
I'm really looking forward to my coursework in the fall semester because I am taking a class called "Cognitive Development". It sounds impressive, but cognitive development is studying how we think. I've always been interested in the little sections about cognition in my other major classes, and my professor is one I've had before; it was taking his class that convinced me to do a MFHD minor (changing it to a major came later, but that was for a number of reasons).
Sometimes I think that when you don't expect things to change that everything does, and when you expect things to change very little does. I wonder why that is?
Those who know me know that I love Japan. I love cherry blossom trees, I love japanese anime, I love the language, and their country is very facinating to study. I don't listen to a lot of Jpop (the name for Japanese pop music) but there is one band that I do like, called Ikimono Gakari. I can't buy their CD in America so I mainly watch their videos on You Tube. Recently I discovered a new song of theirs that I love, so I thought I'd share it with you.
Even if you don't typically like this kind of thing, please listen. I think it will be different than you expect, and even if you don't like it, broaden your horizon!
*the title is Japanese for "best wishes".
I'm really looking forward to my coursework in the fall semester because I am taking a class called "Cognitive Development". It sounds impressive, but cognitive development is studying how we think. I've always been interested in the little sections about cognition in my other major classes, and my professor is one I've had before; it was taking his class that convinced me to do a MFHD minor (changing it to a major came later, but that was for a number of reasons).
Sometimes I think that when you don't expect things to change that everything does, and when you expect things to change very little does. I wonder why that is?
Those who know me know that I love Japan. I love cherry blossom trees, I love japanese anime, I love the language, and their country is very facinating to study. I don't listen to a lot of Jpop (the name for Japanese pop music) but there is one band that I do like, called Ikimono Gakari. I can't buy their CD in America so I mainly watch their videos on You Tube. Recently I discovered a new song of theirs that I love, so I thought I'd share it with you.
Even if you don't typically like this kind of thing, please listen. I think it will be different than you expect, and even if you don't like it, broaden your horizon!
*the title is Japanese for "best wishes".
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My Old St.Louis Home...
Okay, so this post took quite a bit longer than I expected to post. This is because I ran into some technical difficulties, but here it is. Our long-anticipated drive to St.Louis was the first week of July. The drive is a long one, but I don't mind it so much. I ate quite a bit of junk food on the way up there. There's a gas station in Tulsa that has chocolate cheesecake, so I've been getting that the last few times we've gone up.
I don't know how many of you have tried to use Blogger's photo program, but it is incredibly difficult. So, this time I decided to use an online photo album for my trip pictures instead. Here is the link:
And I'll just put all the details on here!
Wednesday night Dad visited his family while Mom, Grandma Ruth Ann, and I went to the Muny. For those who are non-St.Louis natives, the Muny is one of the largest outdoor theatres in the world. They show seven musicals every summer, and tickets are surprisingly cheap and surprisingly good. Mom and I estimated that we had season tickets for seven years while we were growing up. Anyway, the Muny is one of the things mom misses the most about St.Louis, so she wanted to go, no matter what the show was. I was rather pleased, however, because I LOVE High School Musical. Yes, you can call it a kid's movie all you want, but I still like it. Probably because the music is excellent and the story is cute and it is sqeaky clean in content.
We were worried when we got there because there was a chance of rain, and obviously you don't want to sit out in the open when there is a gigantic storm. Right before it was supposed to start, the thunder and lightning started like crazy, though not much rain. I am all for thunderstorms, but not so much for being out in the open during them. Most of the people there moved to the wings, which are covered, and we stood there for close to an hour, waiting for the storm to pass, but it did, and then we could enjoy the show!
Thursday night we all had pizza at my aunt Cindy's house with a lot of my aunts and uncles and cousisns and my grandparents. It was a lot of fun. The girl cousins that were there (and Kevin) played phase 10, and it was a lot of fun.
Friday was the fourth of July! We went to lunch at T.G.I. Friday's with Grandma Carlette, Debbie, Marty, Emma, and Logan. Emma enjoyed painting mine and Sarah's nails with some kind of glitter polish at the table while we were waiting for our food. Then we all went to the St.Louis Zoo, which is ranked as one of the best in the country. I enjoyed the bears, the lemurs (Emma's favorite), and the giraffes (there was a three-week old that was adorable!), but my favorite section is Big Cat Country. Unfortunately we couldn't see any of the tigers out (they were probably hiding in the shade) but we did see my favorite, the snow leopards, and also a black panther that was pretty cool looking. I think all the big cats are magnificant creatures, and I don't even like regular cats.
Then we went downtown to see the fourth of July fireworks. Sarah, Kevin, Dad and I played different card games while we waited. We couldn't sit on the courthouse lawn this year because of the flooding, but we still had a decent view of the arch from where we were. The fireworks were amazing, per usual.
Saturday was the much anticipated baptism of Ruth Ann Kraemer, my grandmother. The missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints knocked on my grandparents door nearly 30 years ago, and many of my family members have been baptized in that time. Needless to say, we all have been waiting for this day with happy anticipation. Many people came for the occasion from other states; some friends from Tulsa, my family from OKC, Sarah and Kevin from Provo (a longggg drive) and Jonathan, one of the original missionaries who introduced my grandparents to the church.
While we were waiting, I saw the most romantic thing ever. A beautiful young woman was dealing with allergies and the strong emotions of the day, and her dashing husband came to the rescue of a runny nose by placing a tissue over it, allowing her to blow her nose.
I don't care what people say; it was like watching a romantic movie, it was so cute. And I'm leaving out names in case they're embarassed, though they've told me this is impossible for me to do. Usually they embarass me.
I don't know what happened to my sanity, but I volunteered Sarah and I to do a musical number as part of the program, Sarah playing the piano and me singing. I was shaking pretty bad even before getting up there. Kevin was sitting next to me making me laugh, but it only worked until I got up there. Then I had to try and not rattle while I was up there. I was told I was fine, but I think I was more relieved when it was over.
Now I'm back in OKC, just trying to not be too bored. Today I bought a bubble wand (Which Jen will remember from FHE) and it rocks! So...that's what I do with my time.
Now I'm just counting down to something that may or may not affect me. Nine days!
Have a nice week!
I don't know how many of you have tried to use Blogger's photo program, but it is incredibly difficult. So, this time I decided to use an online photo album for my trip pictures instead. Here is the link:
And I'll just put all the details on here!
Wednesday night Dad visited his family while Mom, Grandma Ruth Ann, and I went to the Muny. For those who are non-St.Louis natives, the Muny is one of the largest outdoor theatres in the world. They show seven musicals every summer, and tickets are surprisingly cheap and surprisingly good. Mom and I estimated that we had season tickets for seven years while we were growing up. Anyway, the Muny is one of the things mom misses the most about St.Louis, so she wanted to go, no matter what the show was. I was rather pleased, however, because I LOVE High School Musical. Yes, you can call it a kid's movie all you want, but I still like it. Probably because the music is excellent and the story is cute and it is sqeaky clean in content.
We were worried when we got there because there was a chance of rain, and obviously you don't want to sit out in the open when there is a gigantic storm. Right before it was supposed to start, the thunder and lightning started like crazy, though not much rain. I am all for thunderstorms, but not so much for being out in the open during them. Most of the people there moved to the wings, which are covered, and we stood there for close to an hour, waiting for the storm to pass, but it did, and then we could enjoy the show!
Thursday night we all had pizza at my aunt Cindy's house with a lot of my aunts and uncles and cousisns and my grandparents. It was a lot of fun. The girl cousins that were there (and Kevin) played phase 10, and it was a lot of fun.
Friday was the fourth of July! We went to lunch at T.G.I. Friday's with Grandma Carlette, Debbie, Marty, Emma, and Logan. Emma enjoyed painting mine and Sarah's nails with some kind of glitter polish at the table while we were waiting for our food. Then we all went to the St.Louis Zoo, which is ranked as one of the best in the country. I enjoyed the bears, the lemurs (Emma's favorite), and the giraffes (there was a three-week old that was adorable!), but my favorite section is Big Cat Country. Unfortunately we couldn't see any of the tigers out (they were probably hiding in the shade) but we did see my favorite, the snow leopards, and also a black panther that was pretty cool looking. I think all the big cats are magnificant creatures, and I don't even like regular cats.
Then we went downtown to see the fourth of July fireworks. Sarah, Kevin, Dad and I played different card games while we waited. We couldn't sit on the courthouse lawn this year because of the flooding, but we still had a decent view of the arch from where we were. The fireworks were amazing, per usual.
Saturday was the much anticipated baptism of Ruth Ann Kraemer, my grandmother. The missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints knocked on my grandparents door nearly 30 years ago, and many of my family members have been baptized in that time. Needless to say, we all have been waiting for this day with happy anticipation. Many people came for the occasion from other states; some friends from Tulsa, my family from OKC, Sarah and Kevin from Provo (a longggg drive) and Jonathan, one of the original missionaries who introduced my grandparents to the church.
While we were waiting, I saw the most romantic thing ever. A beautiful young woman was dealing with allergies and the strong emotions of the day, and her dashing husband came to the rescue of a runny nose by placing a tissue over it, allowing her to blow her nose.
I don't care what people say; it was like watching a romantic movie, it was so cute. And I'm leaving out names in case they're embarassed, though they've told me this is impossible for me to do. Usually they embarass me.
I don't know what happened to my sanity, but I volunteered Sarah and I to do a musical number as part of the program, Sarah playing the piano and me singing. I was shaking pretty bad even before getting up there. Kevin was sitting next to me making me laugh, but it only worked until I got up there. Then I had to try and not rattle while I was up there. I was told I was fine, but I think I was more relieved when it was over.
Now I'm back in OKC, just trying to not be too bored. Today I bought a bubble wand (Which Jen will remember from FHE) and it rocks! So...that's what I do with my time.
Now I'm just counting down to something that may or may not affect me. Nine days!
Have a nice week!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Where the wind comes sweeping down the lane...
Well everyone, I'm back in good old OKC. I'm glad to be back, actually, more so than usual. I think this is partly because I've been gone for six months, and partly because I desperately need a break from school after going through winter and spring semesters without much of a break. My dog Mila was so excited to see me when I came home! Sometimes I worry that she'll forget how I am because I've been gone so long, but she knew me right away. She's still limping on her hurt paw, but this is not curbing her delights for rolling the grass, begging at the dinner table, or riding in the car, so she must be all right.
Apparently some lady at church today thought I was seventeen!!! That's only...four years off....When I'm quite a bit older I'll probably want to look younger, but not now. I mean, yes, I'm short, but still...I suppose this is just something I'll have to get used too. Sometimes I actually act mature (like when I discuss religion or parenting styles with my own parents) and sometimes I act very immature (like asking my dad to come kill a spider that crawled under my dresser because I heard that spiders crawl into people's mouths at night while they're sleeping-seriously, has anyone else heard this?), but I think that's just how I am. I found an old post from earlier this year where I discussed the movie Amelie, where the girl is incredibly unique but she finds an amazing boy that she gets along with great. I see people dating and getting married around me, but I think to myself, I don't really want to settle. I want to find someone who I really think is amazing-and to be honest, I want them to think I'm amazing. I think if I focus on doing what I'm supposed to (not in regards to dating, but life in general) it will all work out. I have faith that everything will work out.
I burned the roof of my mouth. That was kind of unfortunate.
My three main goals for the summer are:
-to finish that independant study class
-to get my permit and license (thus learning how to drive)
-finishing my scrapbook from freshman year (I am sooo close)
I will keep you all updated on the progress of those, in addition to all the lovely things I do in the coming weeks. Have an amazing summer, everyone!
Apparently some lady at church today thought I was seventeen!!! That's only...four years off....When I'm quite a bit older I'll probably want to look younger, but not now. I mean, yes, I'm short, but still...I suppose this is just something I'll have to get used too. Sometimes I actually act mature (like when I discuss religion or parenting styles with my own parents) and sometimes I act very immature (like asking my dad to come kill a spider that crawled under my dresser because I heard that spiders crawl into people's mouths at night while they're sleeping-seriously, has anyone else heard this?), but I think that's just how I am. I found an old post from earlier this year where I discussed the movie Amelie, where the girl is incredibly unique but she finds an amazing boy that she gets along with great. I see people dating and getting married around me, but I think to myself, I don't really want to settle. I want to find someone who I really think is amazing-and to be honest, I want them to think I'm amazing. I think if I focus on doing what I'm supposed to (not in regards to dating, but life in general) it will all work out. I have faith that everything will work out.
I burned the roof of my mouth. That was kind of unfortunate.
My three main goals for the summer are:
-to finish that independant study class
-to get my permit and license (thus learning how to drive)
-finishing my scrapbook from freshman year (I am sooo close)
I will keep you all updated on the progress of those, in addition to all the lovely things I do in the coming weeks. Have an amazing summer, everyone!
Monday, June 09, 2008
Katie's Five!
The five tag
5 years ago:
Five years ago I was sixteen; looking back, I had a very perfect seeming life, though I remember lots of drama from that time in high school. I think that was around the time I started to consider BYU as my college of choice.
5 months ago:
I was in my 6th semester at BYU; I had finally decided on a major I would stick with (Marriage, Family, and Human Development), and started my preparation for my first social dance competition ever.
5 things on my to do list:
-complete my list of interview questions for my project
-put clean laundry away
-ask someone in religion class for five points on Zoroastrianism
-catch up on reading assignments for school (*note: this may not be possible)
-call back visiting teaching companion!!!
5 snacks I enjoy:
-pepperoni: straight from the bag
-milk duds
-chocolate covered pretzels
-dove chocolates with those messages in them
5 things I would do if I were suddenly a billionaire:
-pay off debts (student loans, mom and dad's house, etc.)
-hire financial advisor (so I can figure out taxes and investments)
-donate to the Church's Perpetual Education Fund: it's the coolest program. It gives money for young adults from poor backgrounds all over the world in the church to improve their education so they can support their families and their communities. Then when they can earn money they pay the fund back, and that money helps others!
5 bad habits:
-being late
-not washing my dishes and leaving them in the sink
-leaving reading assignments undone
-forgetting to read my scriptures at night, or not leaving enough time to read very much
5 places I have lived:
-St.Anthony's hospital, when I was born-hey, I didn't leave until the next year :)
-our little house in the scary neighborhood in Pacific (I didn't know it was scary until much later)
-our beautiful other house in Pacific
-various apartments in Provo
5 Things most people don't know about me:
-when I was little I had an imaginary camel named "ota-ota"
-I always wanted to have red curly hair and violet eyes
-I have a fantasy story I'm working on and I'm up to 28 pages-woot!
-my favorite chore at home is dusting. If I visit you and I see a patch of dust, I'll probably wipe it off with my hand.
-Sarah and I call each other "eye twins" since we both have the blue eyes with a green ring around the pupil-though the shades are different.
One thing I discovered this week (discovered again, you might say) is that happiness takes a lot of work to keep consistently. That's okay though, I don't mind.
I am so excited to be going home in less than two weeks! I am sad to leave Provo for the time being (not so excited to be missing tests and projects), but I'll be back in a few months for fall semester. I have a feeling a lot of things will have happened with all my friends that will change things, but change is good. I am going to try and do fun things this summer, so I can upload pictures of the things I do instead of just talking about myself. At the very least are trips to St.Louis and Dallas, among other things.
5 years ago:
Five years ago I was sixteen; looking back, I had a very perfect seeming life, though I remember lots of drama from that time in high school. I think that was around the time I started to consider BYU as my college of choice.
5 months ago:
I was in my 6th semester at BYU; I had finally decided on a major I would stick with (Marriage, Family, and Human Development), and started my preparation for my first social dance competition ever.
5 things on my to do list:
-complete my list of interview questions for my project
-put clean laundry away
-ask someone in religion class for five points on Zoroastrianism
-catch up on reading assignments for school (*note: this may not be possible)
-call back visiting teaching companion!!!
5 snacks I enjoy:
-pepperoni: straight from the bag
-milk duds
-chocolate covered pretzels
-dove chocolates with those messages in them
5 things I would do if I were suddenly a billionaire:
-pay off debts (student loans, mom and dad's house, etc.)
-hire financial advisor (so I can figure out taxes and investments)
-donate to the Church's Perpetual Education Fund: it's the coolest program. It gives money for young adults from poor backgrounds all over the world in the church to improve their education so they can support their families and their communities. Then when they can earn money they pay the fund back, and that money helps others!
5 bad habits:
-being late
-not washing my dishes and leaving them in the sink
-leaving reading assignments undone
-forgetting to read my scriptures at night, or not leaving enough time to read very much
5 places I have lived:
-St.Anthony's hospital, when I was born-hey, I didn't leave until the next year :)
-our little house in the scary neighborhood in Pacific (I didn't know it was scary until much later)
-our beautiful other house in Pacific
-various apartments in Provo
5 Things most people don't know about me:
-when I was little I had an imaginary camel named "ota-ota"
-I always wanted to have red curly hair and violet eyes
-I have a fantasy story I'm working on and I'm up to 28 pages-woot!
-my favorite chore at home is dusting. If I visit you and I see a patch of dust, I'll probably wipe it off with my hand.
-Sarah and I call each other "eye twins" since we both have the blue eyes with a green ring around the pupil-though the shades are different.
One thing I discovered this week (discovered again, you might say) is that happiness takes a lot of work to keep consistently. That's okay though, I don't mind.
I am so excited to be going home in less than two weeks! I am sad to leave Provo for the time being (not so excited to be missing tests and projects), but I'll be back in a few months for fall semester. I have a feeling a lot of things will have happened with all my friends that will change things, but change is good. I am going to try and do fun things this summer, so I can upload pictures of the things I do instead of just talking about myself. At the very least are trips to St.Louis and Dallas, among other things.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Take me the way I am
Do you know me? I'm curious. I'm going to list off some random things about me, to entertain myself.
-I love listening to distant sounds of trains at night. I heard them at both houses in St.Louis, and I hear them in Provo too. Listening to them when I'm in bed falling asleep is very soothing to me.
-I love little kid things like playgrounds, bubbles, and jump rope.
-The bathrooms in the restaurant "City Bites" are the freakiest things EVER. I'm not kidding.
-My favorite coin is the dime.
-I grew up in a town called Pacific, even though it's nowhere near the ocean. (the trains, people)
-I love Billy Joel's music.
-I love lace on clothes. I also love shirts or dresses that tie in the back. And ribbons.
-I try so hard to find flats that don't hurt my feet, but they don't exist. My feet are a tad on the narrow side.
-My favorite big word to use is facetious.
-Orange is my least favorite color.
-Any boy, from high school on, that I had a crush on for more than a month, has a poem written about him somewhere.
-...I have a hard time writing happy poetry.
-my favorite flowers are alstroemerias, but I also like daffodils, morning glories, cherry blossoms, gardenias, and lilacs.
-I can smell things randomly that others can't, like blood and metal.
-I realized I only feel short around tall people.
-I actually can't stand cinnamon toothpaste, but they use it on me everytime I go to the dentist. I let them because it keeps me from swallowing, which I have a tendency to do.
-I like some country music. I adore Taylor Swift.
-I'm definitely a traditional romantic.
-I have a bad habit of speaking aloud when thinking about something.
-I love sudoku. It makes me feel intelligent.
-I am never buying an mp3 player not from apple again. It's not worth it.
-I strongly dislike most condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonaise, relish, etc.) and unfortunately I have the worst luck with getting my food orders messed up because of this.
-I have convered at least three people to eating grapes and chocolate pudding together.
-I don't like wearing pullover sweatshirts because they mess up my hair.
-When I'm at home, you can always tell if the cash in the dryer is mine becuase no one else's is folded into fourths.
-I have this weird obsession with going through my stuff and purging what I don't use. It's oddly satisfying.
-I thought the new concentrated detergent bottles were genius. They're much easier to carry to the laundry room.
-I like sparkly things.
Okay, I hope that was at least mildly interesting to someone besides me. I didn't put any crazy things down because....well, I don't do very interesting things, like skydive.
I got a 91 on a multiple choice portion of my adolescent development test!!! That's the first time I've done really well in a class for my major in a while, so it made me really happy. And my roommate Rachel bought me a jump rope! I can't wait to start using it :)
Only 3 1/2 weeks left of spring term at BYU, and then I'm off to Oklahoma City for the summer! Hopefully these entries will be more frequent and exciting when I actually do something besides study.
Have a great week!
-I love listening to distant sounds of trains at night. I heard them at both houses in St.Louis, and I hear them in Provo too. Listening to them when I'm in bed falling asleep is very soothing to me.
-I love little kid things like playgrounds, bubbles, and jump rope.
-The bathrooms in the restaurant "City Bites" are the freakiest things EVER. I'm not kidding.
-My favorite coin is the dime.
-I grew up in a town called Pacific, even though it's nowhere near the ocean. (the trains, people)
-I love Billy Joel's music.
-I love lace on clothes. I also love shirts or dresses that tie in the back. And ribbons.
-I try so hard to find flats that don't hurt my feet, but they don't exist. My feet are a tad on the narrow side.
-My favorite big word to use is facetious.
-Orange is my least favorite color.
-Any boy, from high school on, that I had a crush on for more than a month, has a poem written about him somewhere.
-...I have a hard time writing happy poetry.
-my favorite flowers are alstroemerias, but I also like daffodils, morning glories, cherry blossoms, gardenias, and lilacs.
-I can smell things randomly that others can't, like blood and metal.
-I realized I only feel short around tall people.
-I actually can't stand cinnamon toothpaste, but they use it on me everytime I go to the dentist. I let them because it keeps me from swallowing, which I have a tendency to do.
-I like some country music. I adore Taylor Swift.
-I'm definitely a traditional romantic.
-I have a bad habit of speaking aloud when thinking about something.
-I love sudoku. It makes me feel intelligent.
-I am never buying an mp3 player not from apple again. It's not worth it.
-I strongly dislike most condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonaise, relish, etc.) and unfortunately I have the worst luck with getting my food orders messed up because of this.
-I have convered at least three people to eating grapes and chocolate pudding together.
-I don't like wearing pullover sweatshirts because they mess up my hair.
-When I'm at home, you can always tell if the cash in the dryer is mine becuase no one else's is folded into fourths.
-I have this weird obsession with going through my stuff and purging what I don't use. It's oddly satisfying.
-I thought the new concentrated detergent bottles were genius. They're much easier to carry to the laundry room.
-I like sparkly things.
Okay, I hope that was at least mildly interesting to someone besides me. I didn't put any crazy things down because....well, I don't do very interesting things, like skydive.
I got a 91 on a multiple choice portion of my adolescent development test!!! That's the first time I've done really well in a class for my major in a while, so it made me really happy. And my roommate Rachel bought me a jump rope! I can't wait to start using it :)
Only 3 1/2 weeks left of spring term at BYU, and then I'm off to Oklahoma City for the summer! Hopefully these entries will be more frequent and exciting when I actually do something besides study.
Have a great week!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
And so it goes...
I think I overthink things. Well, anyone who knows me isn't surprised by that. But I've thought so much in the past week that periodically I have to shut my thinking down and do something to block it out-solitaire, reading, anything. I discovered one good thing though-I still love my adolescent development class! The things I learn are amazing-and you learn things that would actually help teenagers. I love it! So maybe I can work with some kind of program with adolescents when I get a "real" job-that'd be cool, I think. And I really want to make a difference in the world-make it better.
I got an email from one of my friends serving a religious mission in Chile and he says that the people there do nothing for the people that are homeless and begging, but they'll do anything for dogs. I love dogs, but I still think maybe we should care about people first. Or hey, how about BOTH? What a novel idea!
I like listening to music. It does a lot for me: suits my current mood, cheers me up, helps me vent frustration....I think there's a song out there for almost anything.
Two songs that I like:
This one is Alicia Keys' new video "No One". It's not the coolest video ever, but the singing is amazing. One thing I love about her is that you feel that all the emotion in her singing is real. You really believe not only what she's saying, but you believe that she believes it.
I haven't actually seen that much of American Idol this season, but I've seen David Archuleta a few times and I like his voice. I really liked this performance because I LOVE Billy Joel, and I always thought "And so it goes" was a really pretty song. I'm not saying this is better than the original, but I liked it.
Life is hard sometimes, but I have hope that it is all worth it! There was an amazing BYU devotional this week about having faith in Christ, and it struck a chord with me. I know that He is mindful of all of us, and I know that life has good times as well as bad.
I hope everyone has a peaceful, happy week. I love you all, my wonderful friends!
I got an email from one of my friends serving a religious mission in Chile and he says that the people there do nothing for the people that are homeless and begging, but they'll do anything for dogs. I love dogs, but I still think maybe we should care about people first. Or hey, how about BOTH? What a novel idea!
I like listening to music. It does a lot for me: suits my current mood, cheers me up, helps me vent frustration....I think there's a song out there for almost anything.
Two songs that I like:
This one is Alicia Keys' new video "No One". It's not the coolest video ever, but the singing is amazing. One thing I love about her is that you feel that all the emotion in her singing is real. You really believe not only what she's saying, but you believe that she believes it.
I haven't actually seen that much of American Idol this season, but I've seen David Archuleta a few times and I like his voice. I really liked this performance because I LOVE Billy Joel, and I always thought "And so it goes" was a really pretty song. I'm not saying this is better than the original, but I liked it.
Life is hard sometimes, but I have hope that it is all worth it! There was an amazing BYU devotional this week about having faith in Christ, and it struck a chord with me. I know that He is mindful of all of us, and I know that life has good times as well as bad.
I hope everyone has a peaceful, happy week. I love you all, my wonderful friends!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Chocolate Cake and Laughing Roommates
For those who think I should be working a paper right now, don't even tell me you haven't gotten on facebook in the past two days, when you're supposed to be studying for finals.
School and Life have been great lately. Unfortunately, most good things don't end up on this blog because I'm having too much fun to get on my computer. My major is changing names, from being a degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development to a School of Family Life Degree. I don't know yet whether my class schedule will change, but hopefully not too much since I'm already in the program.

By the way, sometimes I'm sarcastic on here because I think I'm funny, but even if I do complain, my life pretty much rocks. I have so many things to be grateful for, but I'll try not to fill this with things you don't care about.
All I'll leave you with are three words:
My Favorite Flowers!
Have a great week, everyone!
School and Life have been great lately. Unfortunately, most good things don't end up on this blog because I'm having too much fun to get on my computer. My major is changing names, from being a degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development to a School of Family Life Degree. I don't know yet whether my class schedule will change, but hopefully not too much since I'm already in the program.
I'm really excited to be staying at BYU for spring term! Utah is so cold when I'm here, but it'll actually be warm for once! I'm taking some cool classes in the spring, like country western social dance! I try to take fun classes at BYU because honestly, when am I again going to have an opportunity in my life to take dance classes? Or Asian humanities? Or badminton (I'm hoping to take it in the fall)? I figure I should take these opportunities when I have them. And my dad says you should never rush into the work force, because you're going to be there forever anyway.
It's a good thing I love my major, because if I never get married I'm going to be living in my friend's basement since there is no money in my chosen field.By the way, sometimes I'm sarcastic on here because I think I'm funny, but even if I do complain, my life pretty much rocks. I have so many things to be grateful for, but I'll try not to fill this with things you don't care about.
All I'll leave you with are three words:
My Favorite Flowers!
Have a great week, everyone!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
I've been thinking about walking lately. When I was younger, I would always look at the ground while I walked everywhere. My "self-esteem" (my professors all hate that phrase) wasn't that great at the time, neither was my confidence. Then when I started working, both shot up, and one day walking across the quiet park in the morning, I decided then that I would never look at the ground again, at least for that reason.
Sometimes I do now, but the two main reasons are either the sun is right in my eyes, or I'm unhappy about something. Lately though, there's been a third cause: I'm thinking. About what? I have no idea. It's usually something random, sometimes important, sometimes not. So if you see me walking along with a concentrated look, it is genius at work! :)
On another note, I first heard Gavin Degraw's new single, "I'm in Love with a Girl" yesterday, and I LOVE IT. I seriously cannot stop watching the video. The only reason I haven't bought the single is because I'm debating buying the CD when it comes out in May. If you liked Gavin's old music, you'll probably like this.
Sometimes I do now, but the two main reasons are either the sun is right in my eyes, or I'm unhappy about something. Lately though, there's been a third cause: I'm thinking. About what? I have no idea. It's usually something random, sometimes important, sometimes not. So if you see me walking along with a concentrated look, it is genius at work! :)
On another note, I first heard Gavin Degraw's new single, "I'm in Love with a Girl" yesterday, and I LOVE IT. I seriously cannot stop watching the video. The only reason I haven't bought the single is because I'm debating buying the CD when it comes out in May. If you liked Gavin's old music, you'll probably like this.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Dance Sport!
BYU hosted a National Amateur Dance Competition this weekend, and it was so amazing. I loved watching everyone from the professionals to the six-year olds who were amazing at swing. Even more than watching, I loved dancing! I entered with the beginning Dance 180 social dance students, dancing the cha cha. My partner and I just wanted to have fun, but we never dreamed we'd be called back four times! Even though we didn't make it to the semi-finals, being in the top 64 out of 240 couples was pretty amazing for us.

Thursday, March 06, 2008
Oh, I think they do
I get frustrated frequently by what I feel I should be. Countless people around me tell me I shouldn't care what other people think, but if I act like that, I'm really only doing it to please them, and in that case I'm still looking at others to decide what I should do!
So to be me, and have people like it, is a strange experience. It's kind of fun.
I learned in my MFHD 210 Child Development class that teenage boys are more likely to think they're invinicble and teenage girls are more likely to perform to an imaginary audience. So, it makes sense to me that I am concerned about what people will think. I'm trying to not care, but it's a hard feeling to get rid of.
I have a class that I've missed rather often lately, but I decided to go to today, and it was cancelled!!!! Why did it have to be today? Oh well. Now I have extra time, so I can do useful things like write in this blog.
I love my dance class. It makes me feel talented. And girls get to be spun around all the time, and that's my favorite part. I got a 91 on my fox trot test!!!! I was so proud of myself. I certainly am not doing that well in my major classes, so it was nice to do really well for a change.
In the not too distant future I'm going to be competing in Dance Sport with the cha cha! I'll post pictures up here when that happens, because I'm really excited.
Things on my radar right now:
-"Hero/Heroine" Boys Like Girls
-"The Way I am" Ingrid Michaelson
-Anna the Bot: a really weird sweedish music video my roommmates and I like to watch
-blackberry yogurt-sadly, I haven't had it in a while because of my cold :(
-when I walk through the bookstore, I stop and look at the easter candy. They have these Dove truffles in a package, and I've picked it up and looked at it like three times. I might buy it sometime, but that might ruin things.
-I keep looking at where the clock used to be in the living room, even when I'm facing where the clock currently is.
-my favorite anime (of the moment, Tsubasa Chronicle) is no longer on You Tube with english subtitles, only in spanish!!! Is this worth learning spanish for?
-I like Thousand Paper Crane's song "February 14th".
So to be me, and have people like it, is a strange experience. It's kind of fun.
I learned in my MFHD 210 Child Development class that teenage boys are more likely to think they're invinicble and teenage girls are more likely to perform to an imaginary audience. So, it makes sense to me that I am concerned about what people will think. I'm trying to not care, but it's a hard feeling to get rid of.
I have a class that I've missed rather often lately, but I decided to go to today, and it was cancelled!!!! Why did it have to be today? Oh well. Now I have extra time, so I can do useful things like write in this blog.
I love my dance class. It makes me feel talented. And girls get to be spun around all the time, and that's my favorite part. I got a 91 on my fox trot test!!!! I was so proud of myself. I certainly am not doing that well in my major classes, so it was nice to do really well for a change.
In the not too distant future I'm going to be competing in Dance Sport with the cha cha! I'll post pictures up here when that happens, because I'm really excited.
Things on my radar right now:
-"Hero/Heroine" Boys Like Girls
-"The Way I am" Ingrid Michaelson
-Anna the Bot: a really weird sweedish music video my roommmates and I like to watch
-blackberry yogurt-sadly, I haven't had it in a while because of my cold :(
-when I walk through the bookstore, I stop and look at the easter candy. They have these Dove truffles in a package, and I've picked it up and looked at it like three times. I might buy it sometime, but that might ruin things.
-I keep looking at where the clock used to be in the living room, even when I'm facing where the clock currently is.
-my favorite anime (of the moment, Tsubasa Chronicle) is no longer on You Tube with english subtitles, only in spanish!!! Is this worth learning spanish for?
-I like Thousand Paper Crane's song "February 14th".
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I am me, and you are you
I've become a big fan lately of Regina Spektor's song On the Radio. It's kind of weird if you listen to it, but I've always thought her lyrics were very profound. Here's my favorite part:
"This is how it works:
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
You cry until laugh
And everyone must breathe until their dying breath..."
I think those lyrics are amazing.
A friend told me lately that no one really says anything profound. We just think it is because we finally understand it. I think it's true. Still, I think we all need that push, that "inspiration", that drive. To me, this song is saying, "that's how it is." That's it. Certain things are how they are, and don't go away. We just have to change how we deal with them.
Why do musicals make you feel so happy?
"This is how it works:
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
You cry until laugh
And everyone must breathe until their dying breath..."
I think those lyrics are amazing.
A friend told me lately that no one really says anything profound. We just think it is because we finally understand it. I think it's true. Still, I think we all need that push, that "inspiration", that drive. To me, this song is saying, "that's how it is." That's it. Certain things are how they are, and don't go away. We just have to change how we deal with them.
Why do musicals make you feel so happy?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Oh, you know...
It occured to me today that I haven't written at all this month, and perhaps I should have. Today in Sacrament Meeting (our main church meeting) people were speaking on time management and priorities, including my roommmate Jen. It makes me think. I don't think my intended priorities are necessarily bad, but maybe what I actually spend my time on is. If you think about it, your real priorites are what you spend time on, otherwise you wouldn't be doing them. So, you have to think, what have I been doing that isn't important, and what haven't I been doing that is?
So, I do a lot of pointless things, but I was thinking, maybe they aren't so bad. Yes, I'm on facebook a lot, but I'm also keeping in touch with my friends. And yes, maybe talking to my roommates at 2 in the morning means I get very little sleep, but I have great friendships with those girls. And as my dad pointed out, the story I've been working on "apparently" describes me very well, so I'm learning to understand myself and others while writing it. It also helps me to accept criticism.
I'm not saying that I should do those this obsessively, or that I should stop doing my homework, but I think I need to understand the concequences of the things I'm doing to figure out what I should be doing. Make sense?
Sometimes being happy is frightening, because you're afraid it will go away.
Favorite Section:
Today's selection of favorites will be: shoes
I really like shoes. My last two pairs of tennis shoes were the kind that have elastic criss-crossing straps instead of laces, and I love it. They're so easy to slip on! When those go out of style I'm going to be in trouble if I've forgotten how to tie my shoes.
So, I do a lot of pointless things, but I was thinking, maybe they aren't so bad. Yes, I'm on facebook a lot, but I'm also keeping in touch with my friends. And yes, maybe talking to my roommates at 2 in the morning means I get very little sleep, but I have great friendships with those girls. And as my dad pointed out, the story I've been working on "apparently" describes me very well, so I'm learning to understand myself and others while writing it. It also helps me to accept criticism.
I'm not saying that I should do those this obsessively, or that I should stop doing my homework, but I think I need to understand the concequences of the things I'm doing to figure out what I should be doing. Make sense?
Sometimes being happy is frightening, because you're afraid it will go away.
Favorite Section:
Today's selection of favorites will be: shoes
I really like shoes. My last two pairs of tennis shoes were the kind that have elastic criss-crossing straps instead of laces, and I love it. They're so easy to slip on! When those go out of style I'm going to be in trouble if I've forgotten how to tie my shoes.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
We Love You, President Hinckley

For those who are unaware, our beloved Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley passed away Sunday night. He was also the head of the board of Trustees for BYU. I am grateful that he is able to be with his wife that he missed so much, but sad that I won't get to hear him speak in conference. His talks were always the highlight.
In an earlier post, I addressed the question of whether it is better to do good or be good. President Hinckley's answer is to do both.
"You are good. But it is not enough just to be good. You must be good for something. You must contribute good to the world. The world must be a better place for your presence. And the good that is in you must be spread to others."
-Gordon B. Hinckley, BYU Devotional, 1996 (before my time, of course)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
You're tied together with a smile, but you're coming undone
Something I've learned recently is that you don't have to have all the answers. Sometimes, I think people forget that.
In my very first MFHD class at BYU, in my family processes class, my professor said that someone didn't want to have a family if there were so many ways you could screw it all up. Dr. Day said, "You can mess it up, but it's better to go through life with a partner than to make mistakes doing it alone." (not a direct quote)
I don't think it means you're in trouble either way, but I do think he was saying that so much potential joy is worth some of the risks. Sometimes it isn't, but I think sometimes it is.
I think I need more culture in my life. Anyone want to see a play with me?
In my very first MFHD class at BYU, in my family processes class, my professor said that someone didn't want to have a family if there were so many ways you could screw it all up. Dr. Day said, "You can mess it up, but it's better to go through life with a partner than to make mistakes doing it alone." (not a direct quote)
I don't think it means you're in trouble either way, but I do think he was saying that so much potential joy is worth some of the risks. Sometimes it isn't, but I think sometimes it is.
I think I need more culture in my life. Anyone want to see a play with me?
Monday, January 14, 2008
Princess Parking Only (All others will be toad)
Happy New Year, everyone!
I've heard some discrepencies as far as what matters. Some say it is what you do that matters, others say it is what you are that matters. Since I have no clue which one is better, I suppose I should work on both.
I think I understand people a lot less than I thought I did. I thought that people didn't notice things about me, but they did all along and just didn't say anything. Knowing that people do care makes me want to be a better person.
After several months, I have officially declared myself a Marriage, Family, and Human Development major. Hurray! I've been taking classes all along, but it was stil a shock to discover that I only have 6 classes for my major left after this semester. I love being at BYU, and to think of leaving after next year seems way too soon. But then, maybe all steps in our lives are managable. I used to imagine that college courses were really hard, but I'm not confused all the time. Classes are definitely dificult, but they are also manageable. Frequently, I love it. Perhaps having a career in a field I love could turn out the same way.
I used to think that the perfect love in movies was so difficult to find. I mean, how often does a couple that is so perfect find each other, and actually be compatible? And yet it happens. I've taken a number of marriage classes for my major, and I can say that not only was Sarah the most prepared person I've ever seen get married, but Sarah and Kevin are also so perfect for each other. Maybe it can happen after all.
BYU has a free movie theatre on campus that shows foreign films, so I was finally able to see an edited version of Amelie. That movie is amazing. It not only makes you want to fall in love but also convinces you that even if you're strange, there's someone strange (but cute) out there that's perfect for you.
I'd like to make some goals for the new year:
-I'm completely cutting off soda, for now
-eat healthier
-start doing my strength training exercises again
-go to class
-do my reading assignments
-verbalize my emotions instead of bottling them up
-see all the foreign films I can that look good at the international cinema
-start conditioning my hair
-cook real food more
-forgive others more and take offense less
With so many goals, surely something will get done.
Today's happy moments of the day:
-emails from missionaries
-friendly conversations with roommates
-amazing chocolate cake
I've heard some discrepencies as far as what matters. Some say it is what you do that matters, others say it is what you are that matters. Since I have no clue which one is better, I suppose I should work on both.
I think I understand people a lot less than I thought I did. I thought that people didn't notice things about me, but they did all along and just didn't say anything. Knowing that people do care makes me want to be a better person.
After several months, I have officially declared myself a Marriage, Family, and Human Development major. Hurray! I've been taking classes all along, but it was stil a shock to discover that I only have 6 classes for my major left after this semester. I love being at BYU, and to think of leaving after next year seems way too soon. But then, maybe all steps in our lives are managable. I used to imagine that college courses were really hard, but I'm not confused all the time. Classes are definitely dificult, but they are also manageable. Frequently, I love it. Perhaps having a career in a field I love could turn out the same way.
I used to think that the perfect love in movies was so difficult to find. I mean, how often does a couple that is so perfect find each other, and actually be compatible? And yet it happens. I've taken a number of marriage classes for my major, and I can say that not only was Sarah the most prepared person I've ever seen get married, but Sarah and Kevin are also so perfect for each other. Maybe it can happen after all.
BYU has a free movie theatre on campus that shows foreign films, so I was finally able to see an edited version of Amelie. That movie is amazing. It not only makes you want to fall in love but also convinces you that even if you're strange, there's someone strange (but cute) out there that's perfect for you.
I'd like to make some goals for the new year:
-I'm completely cutting off soda, for now
-eat healthier
-start doing my strength training exercises again
-go to class
-do my reading assignments
-verbalize my emotions instead of bottling them up
-see all the foreign films I can that look good at the international cinema
-start conditioning my hair
-cook real food more
-forgive others more and take offense less
With so many goals, surely something will get done.
Today's happy moments of the day:
-emails from missionaries
-friendly conversations with roommates
-amazing chocolate cake
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