Monday, June 09, 2008

Katie's Five!

The five tag

5 years ago:

Five years ago I was sixteen; looking back, I had a very perfect seeming life, though I remember lots of drama from that time in high school. I think that was around the time I started to consider BYU as my college of choice.

5 months ago:

I was in my 6th semester at BYU; I had finally decided on a major I would stick with (Marriage, Family, and Human Development), and started my preparation for my first social dance competition ever.

5 things on my to do list:
-complete my list of interview questions for my project
-put clean laundry away
-ask someone in religion class for five points on Zoroastrianism
-catch up on reading assignments for school (*note: this may not be possible)
-call back visiting teaching companion!!!

5 snacks I enjoy:
-pepperoni: straight from the bag
-milk duds
-chocolate covered pretzels
-dove chocolates with those messages in them

5 things I would do if I were suddenly a billionaire:
-pay off debts (student loans, mom and dad's house, etc.)
-hire financial advisor (so I can figure out taxes and investments)
-donate to the Church's Perpetual Education Fund: it's the coolest program. It gives money for young adults from poor backgrounds all over the world in the church to improve their education so they can support their families and their communities. Then when they can earn money they pay the fund back, and that money helps others!

5 bad habits:
-being late
-not washing my dishes and leaving them in the sink
-leaving reading assignments undone
-forgetting to read my scriptures at night, or not leaving enough time to read very much

5 places I have lived:
-St.Anthony's hospital, when I was born-hey, I didn't leave until the next year :)
-our little house in the scary neighborhood in Pacific (I didn't know it was scary until much later)
-our beautiful other house in Pacific
-various apartments in Provo

5 Things most people don't know about me:
-when I was little I had an imaginary camel named "ota-ota"
-I always wanted to have red curly hair and violet eyes
-I have a fantasy story I'm working on and I'm up to 28 pages-woot!
-my favorite chore at home is dusting. If I visit you and I see a patch of dust, I'll probably wipe it off with my hand.
-Sarah and I call each other "eye twins" since we both have the blue eyes with a green ring around the pupil-though the shades are different.

One thing I discovered this week (discovered again, you might say) is that happiness takes a lot of work to keep consistently. That's okay though, I don't mind.
I am so excited to be going home in less than two weeks! I am sad to leave Provo for the time being (not so excited to be missing tests and projects), but I'll be back in a few months for fall semester. I have a feeling a lot of things will have happened with all my friends that will change things, but change is good. I am going to try and do fun things this summer, so I can upload pictures of the things I do instead of just talking about myself. At the very least are trips to St.Louis and Dallas, among other things.


kgates said...

I love Dove chocolates, too! This is random, but I was just thinking about the five-year-old lotion that my friend Shawn gave me for my sixteenth birthday, exactly five years and three days ago. It still smells great! And we have very similar bad habits. I hope I get to see you again before you go home for the summer! Love ya!

Jeniakai said...

I introduced you to Milk Duds!! what are you planning to do in Dallas? Also, shouldn't it be "agates"?

kgates said...

It's my mom's account. I'm not on gmail! As long as you guys know who I am..., yeah.

Oh, Jen, congrats on London! That totally rocks! Have a blast!