Monday, November 17, 2008

Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself, "hey, isn't this easy?"

My friend Jen recently asked me if I had made any observations about life recently. Unfortunately at the time I drew a blank, but having come up with one later, I decided to mention it here. I've noticed recently through conversations with my friends that everyone I know has parents who have mellowed out with age, or perhaps experience. I wonder why? Could it be they no longer have the energy to act the way they used to? Have they learned better ways to be parents? Or perhaps it's something else. My dad says that his temper has mellowed out quite a bit due to my mom's influence. I heard one of my professors say once that after several years in marriage, a couple is a lot more alike than they were at the beginning. Perhaps relationships make us into better people, or perhaps we want to be better for the other person.

I think some people who accept you for who you are encourage you to not change at all, and some people who accept you for who you are encourage you to be better, and to do better. Maybe some people would like the first, but in my expereince it's the second that really brings happiness.
I am a very happy girl.
*title from the song "You belong with me" by Taylor Swift


Sarah said...

I think children wear their parents down over time. This partly explains why younger children get away with far more than the older children do.

Jeniakai said...

I don't know if I'm excited or frightened for this to occur. Guess that means I should marry my ideal person.

Austin said...

I am glad that you are a very happy girl! Any particular reason why you added that apparently random clause to your blog?
I would agree, though. Marriage is a partnership between God, a man, and a woman. Hopefully, overtime, if it is successful, the wife and husband will grow closer unto Christ, and would thus be more alike to one another as well.
As far as encouraging and motivating others to change, I suppose it always depends on the situation. Hopefully, we always motivate people to become better. We should be encouraging of others as they improve. However, we should not convince others that they are not attractive and need to change physically, for example.

Unknown said...

Actually, that sentence is related if you read it closely. Think about it.

Austin said...

Oh, right...I read it a while ago but I didn't have a blog account and thus could not comment. Just recently I commented after glancing over and did not read clearly.
So you are happy because you know people that accept you for who you are and encourage you to be better? I agree, that is much better than the first scenario. The most influential people in my life, those who mean most to me, are those who inspire/encourage me to be better.