Wednesday, December 03, 2008

It's that time of year...

I love Christmas! I love that we have a whole month of lights and decorations and Christmas songs and service and everything. I wish that people wouldn't complain about how people only help others at Christmas. Yes, we should help people year-round, but this should be a time of gratitude, not of griping. Someone helps at Christmas? How dare they only help once a year! It should be all the time or none at all!!! Think how silly that sounds.

I recently saw (again) The Muppet Christmas Carol. I love that movie! Think of the message there, "wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas." That's because it reminds of Jesus Christ! So Let's try and remember our Savior this season. Some of the people I've met at school have family traditions where they always have some sort of "gift" to the Savior-usually service or something they give to others. I always thought this was a cool idea; something maybe I'd use in my own family someday.

I feel I've suddenly become a huge fan of Kristinen Chenoweth overnight. I mean, I always loved her as Glinda in Wicked (the musical), but I love her in the movie version of The Music Man, and I've listened to her version of the Christmas Waltz about 50 times in the last few days. Her voice is sometimes annoying, but she can sing very well. I also love her song "Taylor the Latte Boy"; look it up on youtube if you haven't seen it, because her facial expressions are hysterical.

According to my adolescent development class, the stage of my life that I'm in right now (emerging adulthood) is wonderful in some ways because you feel like you have so many opportunities, that you can do anything.

I've been told lately I seem very happy. I wonder why? :)
*Title from the Christmas Waltz (I prefer the Kristen Chenoweth version)


Jeniakai said...

"You can fit through the bars?"

Best part ever :)

Unknown said...

I love that part too!Someone quoted that movie in class today, in my marriage class (it was somehow related to the topic) and it was awesome!

kitsunekage92 said...

I love Christmas too. But it's so sad when it's over. :(

Maybe Christmas should be more like a half a year type thing. Or at least since October. The first time it gets kind of cold out. Then we should be able to put lights and stuff up and feel like it's Christmas.

Austin said...

I would say that I partially agree with both sides: service and love should in fact be year/life-long indevors, not just seasonal. However, doing it only at Christmas is better than not at all. So only doing it at Christmas time is not bad in itself, but we can strive to do it consistently. Doing service as a gift to Christ is a great idea; one of my most memorable Christmases was when we, Young Men and Women, went to help at a Good Kitchen to feed the poor, and another time when we went to an old folk's home. After time, the presents you receive are not remembered as much but service is.
I have not see "Wicked", nor have I seen "The Music Man". I really want to see both of them though so some day I shall read them.

Sarah said...
