Austin and I have been officially dating four months! Or as he calls it, our 1/3 anniversary :)
Despite that short amount of time, we've actually known each other for quite a bit longer. We were in the same ward our freshman year at BYU, and then at the end of the year he went off to Chile to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was kinda bummed that one of my best friends was going to be gone for two years, but I was so proud of him. This last summer, he came back to the United States and adjusted to non-missionary life. Despite the fact that I'd liked him for the past few years, and we went on lots of dates, we still took awhile to finally get together. Things have been fantastic and we couldn't be happier.
About a week ago, we decided to go to the Draper Temple Open House, where the public can tour the temple before it is dedicated, after which only worthy members can enter. It is one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen; the rooms are white, and this temple had wooden benches and paneling, and tons of gorgeous lighting fixtures and chandeliers. Every single room I would stare at the ceiling and say, "oooh, pretty." During the tour, we stopped in one of the sealing rooms, a room in the temple where couples are married. We sat down in a row of chairs while listening to someone talk to us about the sacredness of temple marriages; it was a very spiritual moment for everyone and also a very personal moment for Austin and I; apparently we were thinking the same thing, only I didn't realize it at the time.
People start leaving the room at this point, but we're not leaving! On the drive up to Draper, I had asked Austin, "So, where are you planning on living next year?" "Oh, I'm still figuring that out..." So while everyone else is leaving the sealing room, Austin leans over to me and says, "Actually, I lied earlier. I know where I want to live next year; with you." And I think he's just going to say that and that would be it, but then he gets down on one knee in the sealing room and asks me to marry him right then and there! It was the most romantic of my life. I was so surprised/excited/freaking out that I didn't respond automatically, but then when I realized that, I said, "oh, of course."
And...we're getting married sometime this summer. We can hardly wait :)

Aren't we cute? We are so excited to have our own (tiny) apartment in the fall and to start our new life together.
I would read it! Congrats again! We should talk sometime... :O)
KATIE i don't know how many times i can tell you that i want to DIE at how cute you guys' story is. also, you should just add austin as a contributor/writer to your blog! i did that with russell. not like he EVER takes advantage of it though! i am the only one that posts! haha.
Yay, I love stories with happy endings! I love our story, too! ^_^ It is just so fun to read our story like it is straight out of a fantasy novel or a movie. There is romance, adventure, mystery, and of course, a bit of drama. I like hearing your version; not that I am saying my version is particularly different, I just like hearing your perspective on it, how you felt, etc.
P.S. - Who is Salvador Dali? I don't get it, actually...then again, I didn't get the M.R.S. major, either, so no surprise...
P.P.S. - Ooh, being a "contributor" sounds sort of fun although sort of formal, almost like I am a children's tv program sponsor or multi-million dollar donator to cancer. I think it would be fun to have a joint blog.
Dear Austin,
I am interested to hear your perspective on this whole. You should write your own blog on it!
love Katie
p.s. Salvador Dali is a surrealist painter, I was implying that this is surreal. It was a joke my friends and I had in high school about graduation.
I'm kinda disappointed in you. We learned about Salvador Dali in Humanities Freshman year! He painted "The Persistence of Time" which looks like a desert with a melting clock and a few other things. Kinda disturbing, actually. But honestly, don't you remember every artist/composer we studied? :O)
It's late in the game, but congratulations.
And please don't do a joint blog. Joint blogs tend only to create the illusion of being joint. I don't think preserving some individuality is all bad. Couples are almost never more interesting than the sum of their parts.
Just because I only just now read this post doesn't mean I don't love you both dearly :) And I'm coming to your wedding in two weeks :D And I think it'd be super fun to have some sort of blog where you and Austin went back and forth, so you get both perspectives of the couple. Yay!
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