Sunday, November 19, 2006

Good night, bowl full of mush

You know, I tried to not take a nap today so I could be tired and go to bed early, but around 6pm my eyes started closing and I felt physically exhausted and sick. So I laid down for a few minutes (it ended up being an hour but I'm not sure if I fell asleep or not) until my cell phone ringing scared the crap out of me.

My grandmother's dog ate two pounds of chocolate and got sick, but he seems to be okay now.

Am I a terrible person for thinking that people are vindictive sometimes? (Don't answer that..) It's just that sometimes people really don't do things as accidents. Yes, most of the time they are not and I am a highly suspicious person, but sometimes they are. Growing up, if anyone at school said something mean, my mom would always say "They have low self-esteem, so that's why" or "They probably have problems at home" and it used to drive me crazy. All I wanted was a little sympathy for me, not the other person. I wonder if it is because of my mother that I enjoy studying why people act or think a certain way so much. Now I am starting to analyze people's actions just as much as she does. Is it bad that I start using sociological theories to explain my family?

My favorite Christmas movie is "The Muppet Christmas Carol". I watch it all the time when it's around Christmas. My poor roomie's going to hate it before finals start **) he he.....

Aren't colors amazing? Today was so nice looking and the sky so blue that I wanted to twirl around in it and be a part of it, even if all I can see is parking lots and the roads to dance in.

One of the things I really wanted to see when my family moved to Oklahoma City was the art museum, because when I lived in St.Louis a glass sculptor/blower did an amazing glass exhibit at the botanical garden that I just loved, and this artist Chihuly has a large exhibit in the OKC musuem, as I think he lived there or something. The glass was soo cool! There was this glass ceiling in one room that was completely amazing. The art makes you happy like nothing I've ever seen.

Seriously, if anyone can duplicate this kind of art, I'd like to see it.
My favorite...Thanksgiving food!
Well....I'm not a big turkey fan, I hate cranberry sauce, I tried sweet potoatoes for the first time last week and they were okay, and I hate most pies, but I love any and all bread made by my mother, and I love her stuffing.
Today I laid on my bed with my head on the pillow and took like 20 pictures of myself. I was practicing closing my eyes and then opening them when the flash went off so my eyes would be open in the picture, with mixed results. I think I got my headache from that. Good night, everyone.

1 comment:

Jeniakai said...

that glass sculpture is absolutely amazing.