Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Take me the way I am

Do you know me? I'm curious. I'm going to list off some random things about me, to entertain myself.

-I love listening to distant sounds of trains at night. I heard them at both houses in St.Louis, and I hear them in Provo too. Listening to them when I'm in bed falling asleep is very soothing to me.
-I love little kid things like playgrounds, bubbles, and jump rope.
-The bathrooms in the restaurant "City Bites" are the freakiest things EVER. I'm not kidding.
-My favorite coin is the dime.
-I grew up in a town called Pacific, even though it's nowhere near the ocean. (the trains, people)
-I love Billy Joel's music.
-I love lace on clothes. I also love shirts or dresses that tie in the back. And ribbons.
-I try so hard to find flats that don't hurt my feet, but they don't exist. My feet are a tad on the narrow side.
-My favorite big word to use is facetious.
-Orange is my least favorite color.
-Any boy, from high school on, that I had a crush on for more than a month, has a poem written about him somewhere.
-...I have a hard time writing happy poetry.
-my favorite flowers are alstroemerias, but I also like daffodils, morning glories, cherry blossoms, gardenias, and lilacs.
-I can smell things randomly that others can't, like blood and metal.
-I realized I only feel short around tall people.
-I actually can't stand cinnamon toothpaste, but they use it on me everytime I go to the dentist. I let them because it keeps me from swallowing, which I have a tendency to do.
-I like some country music. I adore Taylor Swift.
-I'm definitely a traditional romantic.
-I have a bad habit of speaking aloud when thinking about something.
-I love sudoku. It makes me feel intelligent.
-I am never buying an mp3 player not from apple again. It's not worth it.
-I strongly dislike most condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonaise, relish, etc.) and unfortunately I have the worst luck with getting my food orders messed up because of this.
-I have convered at least three people to eating grapes and chocolate pudding together.
-I don't like wearing pullover sweatshirts because they mess up my hair.
-When I'm at home, you can always tell if the cash in the dryer is mine becuase no one else's is folded into fourths.
-I have this weird obsession with going through my stuff and purging what I don't use. It's oddly satisfying.
-I thought the new concentrated detergent bottles were genius. They're much easier to carry to the laundry room.
-I like sparkly things.

Okay, I hope that was at least mildly interesting to someone besides me. I didn't put any crazy things down because....well, I don't do very interesting things, like skydive.

I got a 91 on a multiple choice portion of my adolescent development test!!! That's the first time I've done really well in a class for my major in a while, so it made me really happy. And my roommate Rachel bought me a jump rope! I can't wait to start using it :)
Only 3 1/2 weeks left of spring term at BYU, and then I'm off to Oklahoma City for the summer! Hopefully these entries will be more frequent and exciting when I actually do something besides study.

Have a great week!


Jeniakai said...

I actually knew some of that, sweet! But the dollars into fourths was interesting... what kind of metal do you smell?

kgates said...

I was amazed at how much of that I knew! Most of it, actually! We must get together again soon. Next week? Congrats on your test! You rock.
