Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our song is the way he laughs...

I've been told that I need to blog, and really, I haven't properly blogged in ages. I've been very busy since school started up again this semester. One major change in my own life is that I've decided to not only complete my bachelor's degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development, but I also want to do the Family Life Education Certification. BYU's program is so cool that I don't even have to take an exam to qualify, just get a C or better in all the required courses. I've taken a lot of the classes already, but I need to take a few more, so instead of finishing classes next fall, I will finish next winter and graduate next April. It's a little unfortunate because it is different than my original plans, but I think it's for the best. After all, I love BYU and I really think it's a scary thought to not be a student anymore, so I will just put that off for a little while....

I love my life and all the wonderful opportunties it brings. I am taking a cooking class this semester and I am learning all kinds of cool things. I am gaining a new appreciation for things I didn't really like before, like vegetables and fish. Who knew they could be so good???? Today our group make macademia encrusted tilapia and also chocolate pudding cake, and I have to say, I think our group had some of the best recipes. There certainly wasn't any cake left at the end of the day!

School can be very trying and hard, but I don't want to give up; I want to do well. Sometimes all you need is the right thank you :) I hope all of you don't give up on dreary winter-spring is on the way!
*Blog title from "Our Song" by Taylor Swift

1 comment:

Jeniakai said...

Isn't this a lovely semester? Not for any particular reason, it just is.