Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Take me the way I am

Do you know me? I'm curious. I'm going to list off some random things about me, to entertain myself.

-I love listening to distant sounds of trains at night. I heard them at both houses in St.Louis, and I hear them in Provo too. Listening to them when I'm in bed falling asleep is very soothing to me.
-I love little kid things like playgrounds, bubbles, and jump rope.
-The bathrooms in the restaurant "City Bites" are the freakiest things EVER. I'm not kidding.
-My favorite coin is the dime.
-I grew up in a town called Pacific, even though it's nowhere near the ocean. (the trains, people)
-I love Billy Joel's music.
-I love lace on clothes. I also love shirts or dresses that tie in the back. And ribbons.
-I try so hard to find flats that don't hurt my feet, but they don't exist. My feet are a tad on the narrow side.
-My favorite big word to use is facetious.
-Orange is my least favorite color.
-Any boy, from high school on, that I had a crush on for more than a month, has a poem written about him somewhere.
-...I have a hard time writing happy poetry.
-my favorite flowers are alstroemerias, but I also like daffodils, morning glories, cherry blossoms, gardenias, and lilacs.
-I can smell things randomly that others can't, like blood and metal.
-I realized I only feel short around tall people.
-I actually can't stand cinnamon toothpaste, but they use it on me everytime I go to the dentist. I let them because it keeps me from swallowing, which I have a tendency to do.
-I like some country music. I adore Taylor Swift.
-I'm definitely a traditional romantic.
-I have a bad habit of speaking aloud when thinking about something.
-I love sudoku. It makes me feel intelligent.
-I am never buying an mp3 player not from apple again. It's not worth it.
-I strongly dislike most condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonaise, relish, etc.) and unfortunately I have the worst luck with getting my food orders messed up because of this.
-I have convered at least three people to eating grapes and chocolate pudding together.
-I don't like wearing pullover sweatshirts because they mess up my hair.
-When I'm at home, you can always tell if the cash in the dryer is mine becuase no one else's is folded into fourths.
-I have this weird obsession with going through my stuff and purging what I don't use. It's oddly satisfying.
-I thought the new concentrated detergent bottles were genius. They're much easier to carry to the laundry room.
-I like sparkly things.

Okay, I hope that was at least mildly interesting to someone besides me. I didn't put any crazy things down because....well, I don't do very interesting things, like skydive.

I got a 91 on a multiple choice portion of my adolescent development test!!! That's the first time I've done really well in a class for my major in a while, so it made me really happy. And my roommate Rachel bought me a jump rope! I can't wait to start using it :)
Only 3 1/2 weeks left of spring term at BYU, and then I'm off to Oklahoma City for the summer! Hopefully these entries will be more frequent and exciting when I actually do something besides study.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And so it goes...

I think I overthink things. Well, anyone who knows me isn't surprised by that. But I've thought so much in the past week that periodically I have to shut my thinking down and do something to block it out-solitaire, reading, anything. I discovered one good thing though-I still love my adolescent development class! The things I learn are amazing-and you learn things that would actually help teenagers. I love it! So maybe I can work with some kind of program with adolescents when I get a "real" job-that'd be cool, I think. And I really want to make a difference in the world-make it better.

I got an email from one of my friends serving a religious mission in Chile and he says that the people there do nothing for the people that are homeless and begging, but they'll do anything for dogs. I love dogs, but I still think maybe we should care about people first. Or hey, how about BOTH? What a novel idea!

I like listening to music. It does a lot for me: suits my current mood, cheers me up, helps me vent frustration....I think there's a song out there for almost anything.

Two songs that I like:


This one is Alicia Keys' new video "No One". It's not the coolest video ever, but the singing is amazing. One thing I love about her is that you feel that all the emotion in her singing is real. You really believe not only what she's saying, but you believe that she believes it.


I haven't actually seen that much of American Idol this season, but I've seen David Archuleta a few times and I like his voice. I really liked this performance because I LOVE Billy Joel, and I always thought "And so it goes" was a really pretty song. I'm not saying this is better than the original, but I liked it.

Life is hard sometimes, but I have hope that it is all worth it! There was an amazing BYU devotional this week about having faith in Christ, and it struck a chord with me. I know that He is mindful of all of us, and I know that life has good times as well as bad.
I hope everyone has a peaceful, happy week. I love you all, my wonderful friends!