Monday, December 17, 2007

I'll try to not burn the apartment down...

Life takes funny turns sometimes.

It's funny how sometimes you can feel really grown-up, and sometimes really immature.

We talked in my aging class about how you're an adult when your parents stop being "Santa Claus" and you finally give things back to people, even if your contributions are small. The idea that I can finally contribute makes me feel happy, in a serious way.

One person told me a lesson I taught on marriage had stuck with her, and another person asked me for relationship advice, and told me it was good advice.

I'm finally feeling maybe what I'm doing with my life, and my major, could be something good.

Another person I've looked up to for things my whole life asked me for something.

I think I like this Christmas present.

1 comment:

Jeniakai said...

not burning things is a very very good thing. hobos have to live somewhere.